
Welcome to the world of ElectriPlast!! This Blog is dedicated to open and honest discussion on Integral Technologies & their intellectual property (IP) known as ElectriPlast. Discussions on this Blog include: Historical Perspectives (Integral & its Products); Management Profiles; Patents; Production Issues; Tech Spin-offs; Product Speculations and Time Tables; The Game Plan; Media Relations; Corp Supporters; Shareholder Impressions; & the Latest News.

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Location: Bavaria, Germany

I am a retired US Government analyst, currently residing in Germany. I am also a shareholder in the company called Integral Technologies (OTCBB: ITKG), and have a desire to enlighten and share its great and still emerging story. I am well read, focused and appreciate challenging interactions which spark creativity and develop enlightenment. That is why I created the ElectriPlast Blog, and the reason I am here.

February 17, 2015

ElectriPlast: 4th Quarter, 2014 - Conference Call Review...

A Conference Call Transcript


By: ProfitKing,
February 17, 2015

Who else listened in on, or participated in the recent Conference Call?? Last week, I had an opportunity to listen in (once the content was posted), and actually liked much of what was said... The logic in the description of how things worked had me agreeing for the most part, but, I had to relisten because I found myself liking what I wanted to hear, instead of listening to everything shared. Hopefully this post, thanks to Seeking Alpha transcripts and one of your fellow shareholders, can offer some clairity. PK sends…

Recently both a fellow shareholder, and Seeking Alpha shared a copy of the transcripts from the Integral Technologies Shareholder Conference Call, which was held earlier this month.


And at the new favorite, Seeking Alpha...


Within each, you will note that Mr. Bathauer actually promised tangible movement beginning in the next few weeks. One week has passed so far, and the stock is in the green...but this cannot be all. With a "$30 billion" conductive and shielding market assessed to be in play, based on:

• The production foundation surrounding ElectriPlast presently established...,

• Updates on ElectriPlast sales/marketing initiatives (as the snowball begins to roll down hill...), and

• That ever important, and expected News on ElectriPlast revenue, partnerships and those all emerging tangible applications --

Just where will the ITKG stock movement begin to slow once the action truly begins???

Note: As featured in the recording -- This conference contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the 1933 Securities Act and Section 21E of the 1934 Securities Exchange Act. These statements include, without limitation, predictions and guidance relating to the company’s future financial performance, and the research, development and commercialization of its technologies. In some cases, you can identify forward-looking statements by terminologies such as, may, should, expects, plans, anticipates, believes, estimates, predicts, potential, continue, or the negative of these terms or other comparable terminology.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Agreed. Its good to "read between the lines" and not just hear what you want to hear:

- Producing Electriplast is not easy. It requires a level of technical monitoring that even Jasper rubber (with their much-touted accredited lab) cannot achieve. Hence, ITKG has brought production in-house. But its not at all clear that ITKG have any expertise in large scale plastics extrusion. We could be faced with another long learning curve.

- Customers are very concerned about reliability of supply and their supply chain. Hence, all the hoopla over Conductive Composites. Bottomline, though, who wants to stake their product line (or career) on a company like ITKG - an outfit that runs in the red and is constantly on the prowl for funding for the next quarter?

Its becoming clearer why there is lots of sniffing around the technology but no one is willing to pull the trigger.

February 19, 2015 4:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Didn't get that fear of not working from that call, quite the contrary. Personally, I'm betting the red will be close to extinct or better by next quarter, at least for the quarter itself. Better to be safe for some. safe to me is following my gut about what I heard. Good luck to sideliners.

February 22, 2015 3:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've seen some articles on BASF and battery R&D lately.... interesting.

March 04, 2015 6:05 PM  

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