ElectriPlast – Spotlight on Tom Aisenbrey Part 1…

By Dan Richman
Seattle Post-Intelligencer--16 April 2004
[ElectriPlast Blog Publisher's Note: The following article will shed insights gleaned from a Seattle Post press release. The article entitled “An invention in Bellingham could alter your cell phone” offers a clue to the next step in the ElectriPlast and Plastenna marketing game plan.
For those new to the ElectriPlast story and the myriad of implications associated, read on. Enlightenment is not far away -- PK sends...]
A Bellingham firm says it has created a plastic that can turn cell phones into their own antennas, resulting in fewer dropped calls, better battery life and clearer reception.
The highly conductive resin, dubbed Electriplast, could also improve the efficiency of LED lighting, in-floor radiant heating, defibrillators and pacemakers, said its inventor, Thomas Aisenbrey, who is chief technology officer at Integral Technologies Inc.
Antennas molded out of Electriplast and mounted on military vehicles would be harder to see and therefore tougher to disable, and on cars, they'd be unobtrusive.
Electriplast isn't on the market yet, but trials are going on at four Fortune 100 companies, and major handset makers have expressed strong interest, said Aisenbrey, who holds two patents on the substance and has 44 more pending.
The inexpensive material, also known as Plastenna, conducts heat, electricity and radio- frequency energy nearly as well as copper, yet it can be mixed with rigid or flexible plastics and formed into just about any shape plastic can take on, he said.
"My gut's telling me this is going to change the electronics world," said Aisenbrey, 46.
An independent testing lab verified some of Aisenbrey's claims.
"He could show that a cell phone modified with his antenna was up to twice as efficient as with a normal antenna," said Lothar Schmidt, a technical manager for Cetecom Inc. of Milpitas, Calif.
For the chief executive of Integral Technologies, which hasn't turned a profit since it was founded in 1996, Electriplast represents a bright future.
"I think it will rock the wireless world, quite frankly," said Bill Robinson, who runs the company from an office in Vancouver, B.C. "It's fun to be in the position we're at, finally."
The company, which is traded over the counter, has a market capitalization of about $31 million, with 5,000 shareholders.
At one time, it had 20 employees. But when Aisenbrey, who said he has been tinkering with electronics since age 6, arrived there from Panasonic three years ago, he fired the rest of the engineering staff because of their inefficiency. Now it has seven employees.
A high school grad with certificates in electronics and sound engineering, Aisenbrey came up with Electriplast 30 months ago "as a fluke thing" while trying to remedy design flaws in an antenna the company had been shipping.
A patent search revealed nothing like it, clearing the way for intensive development, third party testing and commercialization perhaps as early as this year.
"Without a doubt, we want to drive this company into a multimillion business," Aisenbrey said. "I'm not here for the fresh air."
Other Related Articles:
Popular Science: “Best of What’s New – General Innovation”
Integral Technologies website: http://www.itkg.net/
The article states: "A patent search revealed nothing like it,..."
I'm not so sure about that. My search revealed US Patent #6953619 - "Conductive Thermoplastic Compositions and Antennas Thereof". There is prior art out there. I wonder if Electriplast is clear to operate?
Anonymous ~
I would not worry about competition on the patent front. What was stated in the posted article was fact-checked and factual. Integral began filing patents on their ElectriPlast / Plastenna concepts in 2002. Their first Patent was issued in 2004.
They have had a filed solid series of related subsequent patents (now probably over 100) revolving on the ElectriPlast / Plastenna theme. In-turn, they have also received patent certificates acknowledging/recognizing the content of earlier submissions.
In short - though two things sound the same, they usually are not. Even still, Integral Technologies submission was first, their patent came to light first. If there is contention over that fact, then that would be a deal for lawyers to haggle over.
There is certain clairity over which patent was filed first -- but despite that, it misses the true point. It is a huge market that this Plastenna material will envelope. Larger still is the market that ElectriPlast is poised to engage.
With that, I say if there is competition, all the better in speeding the material to market, and in fulfilling the vast number of niche innovations which will one day become reliant on ElectriPlast / Plastenna technology...
PK sends...
i have seen your patent for the taser glove, and i have a related invention. the problem i have is that i do not know how to get it pantented or how to do the paper-work. i have documented prof of consept but would need help with proto-type. willing to let you have lions share of credit, any moneys, just whant my first one out there. email me at randall867t@hotmail.com...... calling it"taser cannon"
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