ElectriPlast: Letter to Our Readers...
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By Vince S. ElectriPlast Blog Editor
Dear ElectriPlast Blog Readers:
The ElectriPlast Blog (EB) was started over six years ago at a time when the EB Publisher shared the concern of many other shareholders: There simply wasn’t enough information available from Integral Technologies and there was virtually nothing on the Internet about ElectriPlast (EP). To be sure, Integral had entered into hundreds of agreements via the NDA process and had issued scores of press releases to that point, but the excitement generated by the potential of EP lead many to wonder why the period between press releases was so barren. As one shareholder put it, “the silence was deafening.” The remedy to that silence was apparent: Create a voice, the ElectriPlast Blog, a forum by shareholders for shareholders, and anyone else interested in what was then an arcane subject.
To get the ball rolling, the EB Publisher scoured the Internet and found relevant articles to fill the void until the next press release was issued from Bellingham or the rare Internet piece on EP or conductive plastics surfaced. From the start, shareholders viewed ElectriPlast, our bellwether technology, as having great promise, even if our penchant for creating patents far outpaced our skills and abilities to market them. More notable, however, the gaps between public statements were still a cause for concern. To quote another ITKG investor, “I've been a shareholder for quite a while and their lack of communication with (and seeming lack of concern for) the shareholders is probably my biggest complaint.” Bulls eye!
Fortunately, there have been major changes in Integral’s communications’ policy and direction since the early days of ElectriPlast. And that posits a perfect segue for the purpose of this letter to you.
The EB staff (all two of us) stayed on top of the world of conductive plastics, and brought you articles and opinion pieces from the far reaches of the Internet. Moreover, by analyzing patents, we gleaned enough data to write articles that articulated the potential of EP in the automobile sector, the home construction industry, and the clothing industry, to name a few. Then we wrote about what a fully-functioning board of directors (still a work in progress), would look like. Another traced the history of copper, which EP mimics, and postulated how EP could replace some of coppers’ uses. Yet another piece looked at various medical applications in which ElectriPlast could play a role. Several articles talked about our patents, the patent process and where Integral stood in protecting our Intellectual Property. And, of course, we looked at many aspects of the automobile industry as well as others.
People and organizations who wanted to know more about our revolutionary new IP searched the Internet and were directed to our site. Each “hit” enhanced our reputation as a website and grew our SEO score as a result. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a tool used by Google and other search engines to determine where on a search results page a website is listed. The more hits there are on the search term “ElectriPlast,” for example, the higher EB is placed on a searchers’ results page. Moreover, StatCounter, a website tracking program we use, shows that more than 17,000 visitors per month are being directed to EB. While the majority of these hits are from the US, many are from various countries in Europe, and a number of repeat visitors are from Korea, Japan, Australia and China, which brings me back to the point of this letter.
Throughout our history as a dynamic voice for sharing the word on all things ElectriPlast, we have never lost our objectivity. The EB Publisher controls our editorial policy, which accounts for the numerous articles in which we felt justified in criticizing Integral for failures to communicate with shareholders, for lax marketing policies, for failure to follow-up with those 350-plus NDA signatories, etc. As an independent entity, sharing only the ElectriPlast name with Integral, we have gone our merry way providing shareholders with whatever data we could find. Frequently, our odyssey has led us to delays, disappointments, ill-timed projections, and reversals. Clearly, it has been a thankless task; however, not all of the eyes cast upon EB have been those of shareholders’ or from foreign shores.
By and large, we have been supportive of Integral Technologies and our Intellectual Property, ElectriPlast. And why not? Each of us on the EB staff are individual shareholders, holding a significant number of ITKG shares between us. We have provided candid and objective commentary on all aspects of Integral, including praise when we felt it was due, and criticism for communications’ lapses and/or tentative commercialization efforts. Nonetheless, while the tortoise moves ever so ponderously in the direction of commercialization, we feel that we have served the under served, the many shareholders whose voices appeared not to be reaching Bellingham.
Well, folks, it appears that the old proverb about the ‘squeaky wheel’ is true.
The powers that be in Bellingham have decided that we have a good thing going with the ElectriPlast Blog. After looking the other way for six-plus years, they can no longer ignore the fact that we have consistently pulled a very high SEO score, a solid 17,000 hits a month, and all that with no support from or contact with Integral. That is about to change, folks.
We have been contacted by none other than Mr. Outreach himself, Doug Bathauer, Vice President of Corporate Development, with a suggestion that we interview Integral Technologies’ officers! After due deliberation, we agreed. Naturally, we have to play by certain rules—no trick questions, nothing that can’t pass SEC muster, etc., —but how’s that for a milestone? What conclusions can shareholders draw from their decision to 'go public' by talking to EB? Are we (shareholders) entering into a new phase with Integral?
We are working out the details, so stay tuned to see what corporate has to say.
PK and Vince
Well...the first thing I thought when I saw this was that you were going to close it down! So, congrats and cheers for doing a job well - navigating through the rough waters of shareholder anger and stock manipulator nonsense...you guys deserve a lot of credit, and I always enjoy your commentary and the chance to engage in meaningful conversation with those of your readers who are worth conversing with. Thanks...
It seems that implicit in the post is a request from your loyal readers for a series of questions WE would like to put to this company's management...right???
I am curious about the various companies, from hearing-aid manufacturers to defense department subs, etc. where are these licensing agreements now? Which ones have hit dead ends, which ones are still viable? What about the 'consultants' on the payroll - why don't we hear from them about their activities?? And truly, why has Electriplast chosen now to grant this long sought after interview - is it because the share price is so low and won't budge and something is wished for to goose shareholder interest?
I guess I would just caution you not to be 'played.' Good luck - prepare well - and remember, if they are uncomfortable with a question, that doesn't mean it wasn't a good question...
Hey there Oscar, it has been too long...
First -- Some may have noted that we are not receiving as many comments as we had in the past. The reason for this is...well, I made an ‘audible’ on the field.
We've always been plagued by a few negative entities. A few months back, a lady jumped onboard looking to find out more about ElectriPlast from like-minded visitors engaged in this Shareholders Digest. Shortly after arriving and asking questions, a swarm of "Anonymous" posts greeted her and any engaging her with insight. I normally try to see past such acts, because I truly want to keep the Blog open for both like-minded and out-of-the-box opinions. In this instance though--for me--it was a bridge too far. Hiding behind the "Anonymous" moniker, it became hard to identify who the white-hats and black-hats were that were posting.
My audible was to discontinue "Anonymous" postings. This move I gather served to do something that I never intended, censor communications by shining a light on the anonymity once enjoyed.
Bad or good, it is what it is, and it is where we are now at.
Comments will return, only now there will be a level of ownership to what is shared, and those looking to visit and inquire on information can do so without being buried under derisive posts by a few who once chose to hide behind the label of "Anonymous"...
Secondly, we are always on the look for more questions, and stories to track down as the potentials emerge. This Asian-addition has serious legs, and can serve to meet a growing manufacturing need once the product placement phase has been fleshed out.
This is an under-rated turn of events, on-par with that of the JASPER-association, and the incarnation of ElectriPlast Corp.
Let's watch a little longer to see what emerges -- I have a feeling that many will be vindicated for their past belief in the potentials surrounding ElectriPlast -- and more will be desiring to learn more as the potential becomes apparent to all...
In regards to your questions, all good...mine would center on the company's interest in pursuing Federal assistance in the Marketing of ElectriPlast. Being in an election year--we see politicians jumping over themselves to take advantage of whatever options are available to sell American, assist the economy and create the prospect of jobs.
ElectriPlast fills the new-technology niche that some are highlighting on the campaign trails. While wind is in the sails, now and over the next several months, it would serve and benefit Integral and the ElectriPlast Corp to reach out and see just what kind of relationships can be built at this time...
Not really a question, but a random thought that I think might help in reaching the ultimate goal of the company, and of many reading...
PK sends...
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