ElectriPlast: Another Discussion Resource at the Investors Hub

at iHub
ElectriPlast Blog Publisher
Hello from sunny Bavaria,
A recent ITKG shareholder and ElectriPlast Blogship (EB) reader passed along an email with a link to the Investors Hub, commonly known as "iHub".
Granted, most EB readers have been exposed to many of the issues raise on the iHub, but it is another resource for you, and it gives you a different perspective as to what folks are thinking about Integral Technologies.
As this new shareholder and EB reader noted, iHub gave him a different view of the "golden nugget" that is his investment.
That said, I would encourage you to take a look at the Investors Hub site.
It has the makings of a decent community where like-minded souls can gather to talk about Integral Technologies and the path they intend to take with their ElectriPlast IP.
But beware, as is the case with any neighborhood, a few undesirable characters reside there. The iHub moderator polices the forum, but allows for honest discussion and positive interaction between individuals.
Here is the link.
Enjoy, and if you think the content and discussion are worth while, please feel free to share word of its presence with others invested or merely looking.
PK sends...
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