
Welcome to the world of ElectriPlast!! This Blog is dedicated to open and honest discussion on Integral Technologies & their intellectual property (IP) known as ElectriPlast. Discussions on this Blog include: Historical Perspectives (Integral & its Products); Management Profiles; Patents; Production Issues; Tech Spin-offs; Product Speculations and Time Tables; The Game Plan; Media Relations; Corp Supporters; Shareholder Impressions; & the Latest News.

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Location: Bavaria, Germany

I am a retired US Government analyst, currently residing in Germany. I am also a shareholder in the company called Integral Technologies (OTCBB: ITKG), and have a desire to enlighten and share its great and still emerging story. I am well read, focused and appreciate challenging interactions which spark creativity and develop enlightenment. That is why I created the ElectriPlast Blog, and the reason I am here.

July 14, 2010

ElectriPlast: News -- A 3-part Press Release...

By: Business Wire --
2010-07-14 09:16 ET

Integral Announces Market Deployment of the ElectriPlast™ Pellet Including Independent Test Results

BELLINGHAM, Wash. -- Integral Technologies, Inc. (OTCBB:ITKG) (“Integral”), today announces (1) the international market deployment of the ElectriPlast™ pellet, a patented method of pelletizing conductive plastics based on its original blend, (2) expanded resin and fiber ElectriPlast™ pellet blends and their targeted industries, and (3) achieving industry milestones as proven by specialized third-party independent and certified testing of the additional ElectriPlast™ pellet blends.

Initial Test Data

In January of this year Integral released its initial test results of the ElectriPlast’s™ patented method of pelletizing various resins and fibers. The first pellet blend tested used PA66 (nylon with stainless steel fibers) which revealed that the pellet’s EMI/RFI shielding properties ranged from 70dB @ 30MHz to 90dB @ 1.5GHz over a wide frequency spectrum from DC to UHF, outperforming our competitors’ methods by over 40%. As a result, Integral received a strong world-wide upsurge in inquires and requests for non-disclosure agreements, and has begun working with existing and new customers to develop products using this technically advanced conductive pellet.

Market Deployment of ElectriPlast™ Based on Initial Test Data

Based on the January test data, two of our customers in the automotive and aerospace industries – both here and in Europe – are in the process of switching from our competitors’ products to ElectriPlast™ for their electronic shielding needs.

Expanded Resin and Fiber ElectriPlast™ Pellet Blends and Some of Their Targeted Industries

In January Integral announced that it would expand the testing to include various resin and fiber combinations to target multi-market sectors. Based on our customers’ internal marketing strategies and to expand ElectriPlast’s™ reach into every possible industry sector to become the leader in the conductive plastics industry, Integral selected seven resin and fiber combinations to test.

Using ElectriPlast’s™ patented pelletizing method, the table shows all eight distinguishable resin and fiber blends we tested—some unique in the industry—together with their targeted industry sectors.

Resin and Fiber Targeted Industry Sector (Partial list)

1  -  ABS with Nickel Plated Carbon Fiber CE, A, AE/M
2  -  PC/ABS with Nickel Plated Carbon Fiber CE, A, ES, AE/M
3  -  PC/ABS with Stainless Steel Fiber CE, A, ES, AE/M
4  -  PC with Nickel Plated Carbon Fiber CE, A, ES, AE/M
5  -  PC with Stainless Steel Fiber CE, A, ES, AE/M
6  -  PP with Nickel Plated Carbon Fiber CE, A, AE/M
7  -  PP with Stainless Steel Fiber CE, A, AE/M
8  -  PA66 (nylon with stainless steel fibers), previously tested A (EP/TP), ES, AE/M (EP/TP)


ABS:   Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene is a copolymer
PP:   Polypropylene is a Thermoplastic Polymer
PC:   Polycarbonate is a Thermoplastic Polymer
CE:   Consumer Electronics
A:   Automotive
ES:   Energy Storage
AE/M:   Aerospace/Military
EP/TP:   Engineering Plastics/Thermoplastics Polymer for High Temp/High Performance

Test Data Achieves Industry Milestones

The testing was conducted at five labs, four of which were independent labs with no affiliation whatsoever to Integral. All four independent labs performed electrical, mechanical and imaging/dispersion testing. The fifth lab was Integral’s internal lab where we have established full capabilities for research and development of ElectriPlast™ applications. Testing was performed consistent with all applicable Industry Standards: ASTM-D638, ASTM-D790, ASTM–D256, ASTM–D648, ASTM-D792, ESD STM-1 1.11, ASTM – D257, FTMS -101C/4046, ASTM-4935, UL–94.

The test results for these new seven pellet blends are all congruent with January’s test of the first blend, demonstrating that the patented ElectriPlast™ pelletizing process continues to prove itself out and achieve industry milestones. When molded, ElectriPlast™ pellet blends:

Provide electromagnetic shielding up to 40% greater than competitors for the PA66 with stainless Steel Fibers (January 2010 tests); Provide an Electromagnetic Shielding Effectiveness greater than 100 dB for the seven just-tested ElectriPlast™ blends, exceeding all of our current customers’ electromagnetic requirements; Provide up to 20dB greater shielding effectiveness at certain frequencies compared to current methods; Use resin and fibers that are common within their industry and are easily adaptable to current molding and extrusion machines; Employ a new and unique patented manufacturing process for fiber-dispersion of their various base compounds that use fewer fibers than current blends without sacrificing the exceptional electromagnetic shielding effectiveness and mechanical performance, making for an even fiber dispersion & lighter product; Maintain appropriate temperature variance, mechanical strengths and electrical characteristics based on any resins’ current molecular structure.

ElectriPlast™ Provides Unprecedented Design Flexibility

Now having eight distinguishable blends, Integral can offer customers a variety of pellets that can be fabricated into virtually any shape or dimension using low-cost injection molding or extrusion tools. This means that Integral can offer customers the design flexibility of being able to customize any pellet to meet their design requirements.

Engineered design flexibility and shorter development cycle reduces the costs of our customers’ manufacturing process that will continue to offer users of Integral’s technology the ability to change from heavy metal parts to new lightweight ElectriPlast™ parts.

Future Development and Business Awards

Integral continues to expand and patent its blends of ElectriPlast™ technology, and in the coming months will report on the testing of these, as well as the orders it has received from its customers for its current blends.

Integral Technologies

Integral Technologies, Inc. (www.itkg.net) is the developer of an innovative electrically conductive resin-based material called “ElectriPlast™,” a highly conductive recipe that can be molded into virtually any shape or dimension associated with the range of plastics, rubbers and other polymers. Our IP consists of ElectriPlast™ and multitudes of different applications pertinent to a wide variety of industries. No assurances can be given that all patent applications will be approved; however, to the extent that patents are not granted, we will continue to attempt to commercialize these technologies without the protection of patents. Various examples of industries where ElectriPlast™ can be used are antennas, shielding, lighting, circuitry, switch actuators, resistors, and medical devices, to name just a few. The company is currently introducing these new products and ElectriPlast™ technology on a global scale.

This press release contains “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of Section 27A of the 1933 Securities Act and Section 21E of the 1934 Securities Exchange Act. Actual results could differ materially, as the result of such factors as (1) competition in the markets for the products and services sold by the company, (2) the ability of the company to execute its plans, and (3) other factors detailed in the company's public filings with the SEC. By making these forward-looking statements, the Company can give no assurances that the transaction described in this press release will be successfully completed, and undertakes no obligation to update these statements for revisions or changes after the date of this release.

For more detailed information on the company and the technologies described above please visit our web site at http://www.itkg.net/ or contact Shareholder Relations at 888-666-8833 or Doug Bathauer, at 812-455-5767 or email at electriplastinfo@aol.com. To review the company’s filings with the SEC, please go to www.sec.gov.

SOURCE:  Integral Technologies, Inc.

Integral Technologies, Inc., www.itkg.net
Scott McArthur, 888-666-8833


Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK. Now we have the long overdue data sheets. Does anyone know what any of the data actually MEANS? How does EP compare to copper? Aluminum? Other metals? How does it compare with pure "PC", "ABS" or "PP" plastic?

Is a 3% Tensile Elongation good? Is a Volume Resistivity of 6 better than aluminum? Is it close? Who knows?

I wonder if they would like to share any comparative data on any of the materials they claim that they will replace? That might explain the lack of commercial adoption - poor product properties.

July 15, 2010 8:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These newest results are not conductivity results. They are all shielding results. Shielding is not the same as conducting AC/DC, etc.

Integral is going after the shielding market before they enter the conductive plastic market. Mo and Jasper are targeting shielding applications for automotive, military, batteries, and wire.

Do a search on what shielding is. Almost every electronic product, computer product, automotive electrical system, military, and wire incorporates shielding. It is a multi billion dollar worldwide business.

And these shielding results are excellent!

July 15, 2010 9:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obviously Mr Show Me (first comment) has issues with materials and needs do do his OWN homework. Good luck. Personally I am estatic with the reults and will continue to purchase more of their underpriced stock, especially on the dips when the Mr. Show Me's sell in frustration!

July 16, 2010 2:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Boy, no room for questions here!! Open and honest discussion? Nah!! What about the production issues; product speculation and time tables; and the dreaded.... shareholder impressions?

Sorry Mr. Show Me, you have unresolved material DD issues and will probably sell in frustration. Don`t waste everyones time posting here.

Unlike you, most here have either completed their DD and know all the answers( but are unwilling to share) or, just plain don`t care about all that technical stuff, because they BELIEVE!! I expect the latter is probably very close to 100%.

So, with Mr PK`s permission, I`d like to offer a shareholder impression that may be of some use to you, Mr Show Me. Even (if) Electriplast does some day find a market niche, it will be as a bit player. While it (may) be able to compete with some other conductive polymers, it will never be able to go head on with the all metal market. 1 plus 2 will never make 4. Period. Close only counts in horseshoes and handgrenades.

I`m guessing the comparative data you questioned will never see the light of day if Integral has anything to do with it. It`s taken over 3 years for them to just publish the results of 2 of the 8 data sheets, 2 years for one more, and over a year for 3 others. I thought their claimed 3 months was a joke.

Caveat emptor. Without comparative data, about all that is left for the prospective shareholder is "I believe".

July 16, 2010 9:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree that comparative data would be great to have along with the data sheets. That information must be out there somewhere and I suspect that others out there could probably point the rest of us in the right direction to find it.(i.e. industry standards for shielding that we can compare to the information included on ITKG's data sheets).

July 16, 2010 10:50 PM  
Blogger PK... said...


Voices of reason.

The comment on shielding applications was correct, but remember, this is not the only application avenue nor market being targeted...

Thank you both for your post.

PK sends..

July 17, 2010 9:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dudes!!! Data sheets are but one factor among many that a customer may consult before making a purchase decision. I say let the marketplace do your DD for you. If you had done that 4 years ago, you wouldn`t have had to wait for no stinkin` data sheets and you wouldn`t have had to watch your investment drop from over $4 to under $1. Chihuahua!!

July 17, 2010 11:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok dude (what are you twelve?), some of us do not have backgrounds in shielding, engineering, electrical, etc. which means that when we do our DD "fire up google" and find shielding data it doesn't have any meaning. Even in the finance world, where I do have a background, comparative information is very important. And quite often the comparative information needs to be explained to others, which I am happy to do. I don't think it was too much to ask (see prior post) to see if anyone here that does have the appropriate background could shed some light on the data sheets.
Correct me if I'm wrong PK, but wouldn't this fall under the "healthy dialogue" purpose of this blog?

July 17, 2010 7:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Constructive dialog is great!! As I stated in post #2 above; "These shielding results are excellent!!"

Unfortunately I do not have the length of time necessary to give you a complete review and explanation of how shielding works. Different products need different types of shielding. Certain products need magnetic shielding. Certain products need various RF shielding at certain frequencies especially. An explanation would involve tensile strength, physics, heat, ohms, radio frequencies, etc etc. This is not an easy 2 paragraph explanation like you could explain the difference between 4 different investment products. This is engineering degree stuff that speaks directly to engineers, product designers, and scientists who create new and upgrade existing products.

In a simple wrap up, there is nothing like this shielding wise in plastic. We are right up there with the metal equivalent but at a lighter weight. I'll say it again dude, "These shielding results are excellent!"

July 17, 2010 8:43 PM  
Blogger PK... said...

To the last two posters --

First dialog is always welcomed and encouraged on this Blog, realize though, there are some also participating who have ulterior motives, and wish to cause confusion and cast a specter of doubt on the emerging potential here. While I tend to be more open than negation to the prospects, rather than cheerlead, I encourage that those reading conduct a measure of Due Diligence, develop a measure of comfort with what they've learned, and discuss. As the last poster noted, the "data sheets" are specific and speak more directly to another market & it's audience.

So, while it may have come across as a rebuf, I didn't see. It that way. Discussions on shielding is heady stuff impacting myriads of markets beyond the commonwire/cable covering... Just look at Apple's latest iPhone roll-out -- a shielding concern with very real & visible, and costly impacts. Ask those enduring their iPhone problems in detail, and very few (pretty muck only those familiar with EM spectrum analysis) would be able to spell out the issues concerns and the fixes In a easy to digest format...

PK sends...

July 18, 2010 12:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You've hit the nail PK. I certainly did not mean to be rude. I wrote the above comment and am a shareholder with a large knowledge of shielding.

As you basically stated, shielding involves a vast area. Many, many issues to cover which is why our potential customers are really taking their time in researching EP. Our potential customers must perform dozens and dozens and dozens of tests in many different conditions. Heat, cold, humidity, water, etc. all must be covered. Low level hum issues, thousands of radio frequencies, microwaves, magnetic waves, etc., etc.

Jasper is trying to compound the perfect formula, on an individual basis, directly for the particular customer's needs. There could literally be thousands of different formulations for shielding. The brilliance of EP is that it is not a closed one size fits all product. It can be formulated to ensure the very best product for the customer. If the customer really needs a strong shield at say between 2khz and 3.7khz, Jasper is able to formulate the very best product that they can to alleviate the interference at those frequencies. If the customer is having a low level problem at say 30-80khz then the formula can be adjusted.

We are dealing with a very complicated issue and people that wish to get answers really need to do their own preliminary research and legwork in becoming educated. They are not going to find the perfect 10 second answer in PK's Blog.

July 18, 2010 12:59 AM  
Blogger PK... said...

Apologies all,

In my last post, while the gist of the message came through -- it was riddled with spelling errors. A bad thing for a blog publisher to be certain. Late nights, and tapping away one finger on my iPod, while half asleep, took their toll...

To the last poster, thanks for the follow-up, and again well said.

If you are ever interested in writing an article on this subject for the EB (a primer-- but, a bit longer than 10 seconds), please feel free to drop me a line...

PK sends...

July 18, 2010 5:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you realize how preposterous some of you sound?

I know! Because the data sheets told me so!! But I`m not going to tell you how I know or what exactly I know. If you don`t have a degree in electrical engineering you are wasting your time here....unless you choose to believe everything I tell you. Which just happens to be the same as what the company wants you to believe. Yep, that same company that will profit by getting you to purchase shares.

Hmmmm. Lets get serious here.

Three words.....FOLLOW THE MONEY.

If Electriplast is so great, why is the company so focused on selling shares and not product? Because there is no product money!!! None! This company has survived for the last 6 years selling paper, not product.

Huge markets out there in shielding. You betcha! Huge markets out there in conductive polymers. You betcha! Every one of those markets are currently surviving quite well with metal components that sheild and conduct to their satisfaction. Electriplast would have to show a distinct improvement over what they are currently using to turn anyones head. Fit, form, function, and cost. Not just data sheets. Every player in those huge markets has access to the engineering brains that interpret those data sheets. Every one of those claimed NDA signators has access to those same engineering brains as well.

And then there is the data itself. It doesn`t take and engineering degree to read the dates found on those data sheets. All but 2 are over a year old. Some are over 3 years old. Yet we are just seeing them now.

So why hasn`t a single one of those NDA signators stepped up to the plate if Electriplast is all they claim? Why hasn`t a single licensee been able to find a customer willing to take a chance on Electriplast?

The smart guys with the claimed degrees bought into Electriplast 4 years ago at over $4. How smart was that?

Follow the money and you`ll see what the real investors are doing...the customers.

July 18, 2010 9:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


July 18, 2010 11:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a waste of time that comment was (2nd above this).

July 19, 2010 7:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We've been down this road in the Feb 4, 2010 posting comments.

Someone actually posted comparative data (and REFERENCED it!) which showed that EP is about a million times less conductive that copper. That fact was never refuted.

In those comments someone also pointed out that the excellent EP shielding results were obtained on 1/8" thick plaques. So...if your application can tolerate an 1/8" of plastic where some metal foil used to be, you have a winner. But, the commenter pointed out that 1/8" of EP weighs a good bit more than 0.003" of copper foil (a typical shield in co-axial cable).

Does that rule EP out of all shielding applications? Probably not. That would seem to rule out wire and perhaps there are a few niche applications where a thick plastic shield makes sense.

But can Integral find those applications and what are they worth?

Place your bets.

July 19, 2010 9:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have seen Electriplast shielded co-axial cable -- I've held it in my hands.

Try again.

July 20, 2010 1:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I`ve held a lot of things in my hands too.....but I didn`t buy them all.

I`m betting you didn`t either.

July 20, 2010 4:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


"I've held it in my hands".

Another conveniently (and worthless) unverifiable claim. (Of course, you can't say anymore because everything's oh-so-confidential).

At least someone is offering verifiable facts and data to compare to the EP product data sheets.

Can you offer a verifiable rebuttal?

July 20, 2010 10:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


July 21, 2010 12:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A 6-month old rewritten press release?

Is this being offered as a verifiable rebuttal?

Doug bathauer....Director of Corporate Communications

Integral Technologies, Inc.

I`m betting that post was authored by one of those T-shirt slogan writers.

How about:

We Kept The Dream Alive.

July 21, 2010 6:57 PM  

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