ElectriPlast: An iPhone 4 Solution?
by John Paul Whitefoot
Penny Stock Insider
Antennagate, Steve Jobs and a Penny Stock
From Maury, to Bill O'Reilly, to Glenn Beck, to any news channel on the planet, you can't help but come across depressing stories on a daily basis. But few are as heart, nay gut wrenching, as those inhabitants of earth that have been plagued by ‘Antennagate'. If you are one of the few penny stock consumers not rocking back and forth, mumbling to yourself in the corner, ‘Applegate' is the ever-so-clever term used to describe the recent calamity befalling Apple Computer and its cheery CEO, Steve Jobs.
First released on June 24, Apple's iPhone 4 has become a dream come true for both shareholders and retailers. During the third quarter alone, Apple sold some 8.4 million iPhones.
Despite the stellar sales, iPhone consumers soon began experiencing problems with their devices. The iPhone 4 suffers a design flaw that causes dropped calls in regions with low signal strength. Some customers and publications have also complained that touching the rim of the device can result in dampened and lost reception.
No one wants lost potential sales. Not even Steve Jobs. Apple's solution to 'Antennagate' is free cases; a move that is likely going to cost the company $175 million in revenue. That's a drop in the bucket though for a company that made $15.7 billion last quarter alone.
Antennagate could put penny stocks on Wall Street's radar.
I was thinking though. Why spend a minimum of $175 million on cases to rectify antenna issues when you could simply be proactive and make product casings that ARE an antenna?
Integral Technologies, Inc. (ITKG - OTCBB) is a development stage penny stock company that manufactures PlasTenna and ElectriPlast technology. ITKG has developed a line of antennas that dramatically increase performance, improve design flexibility and reduce the power consumption for virtually any wireless device.
ITKG formulates ElectriPlast into pellets that contain varying conductive properties. A company selects the properties it wants, and ITKG molds the pellets into any shape without losing the conductivity.
ElectriPlast conducts heat and electricity like most metals; some call it a plastic-metal composite. ElectriPlast has hundreds of potential uses, including as an antenna that covers the entire body of a cell phone-like a "jacket" for the phone.
ITKG calls this jacket PlasTenna and says it will help improve cell phone signal strength and reliability. Further, ITKG's ElectriPlast is lighter, less expensive, and significantly, more reliable, than traditional antennas, and increases reception.
Once perfected, various products will be submitted to UL and CSA for electrical approval within North America and to other markets overseas.
ITKG is working with close to 350 companies it has Non Disclosure Agreements with, some being the largest in their industry.
On July 14, ITKG announced the international market deployment of the ElectriPlast pellet and that its technology achieved industry milestones in specialized third-party independent and certified testing.
Based on the January test data, two of ITKG's customers in the automotive and aerospace industries are in the process of switching to ElectriPlast. The company also said it would expand testing to include various resin and fiber combinations to target multi-market sectors.
ITKG now has eight different fiber blends it can offer its customers; blends that can be fabricated into virtually any shape or dimension. That means, whether you're a civilian or in the military, whether you work in the aerospace, medical or other industrial applications, thanks to the creativity of penny stock ITKG, wireless devices could soon be free of bulky aerials.
Steve Jobs may be an industry maverick, but he didn't have the foresight to see that he could have avoided ‘antennagate' by simply turning the entire bezel of the iPhone 4 into a reliable antenna.
One the other hand, as penny stock investors, we can check out a penny stock company that could turn the corner in 2010.
This article can be found at: http://searchwarp.com
John Whitefoot is a seasoned penny stock investor with a keen interest in international business and current affairs. With many years of experience in the investment community, John Whitefoot is Sr. Editor at pennystocks.com and is devoted to uncovering the news, trends, and ideas that affect penny stocks on a daily basis.
Who says history doesn`t repeat itself....Tobin Smith, meet John Paul Whitefoot. What do you know...it`s deja vu all over again!!!
The article is typical of the junk science that keeps the folks at Integral paid: antennas are made of conductors therefore any conductor will make a great antenna.
Ever wonder why antennas come in all those funny shapes? Are those antenna folks onto something or are they just being artistic? Remember touching your TV antenna and sometimes reception got better and sometimes it got worse? And how can Apple solve their iPhone antenna problem with an insulating rubber "bumper" case? Its not a conductor at all!
Or to put this in terms that loyal ITKG investors can understand: ever wonder why your tinfoil hat works better some times than others? Some times when you shape it just right you can pick up those penny stock tips so clearly. And other times all you can hear is chatter from the planet Venus?
That's because fabricating an effective electromagnetic receiver is a little more complicated than just molding a case out of a conductive plastic. But maybe that's why those dummies at Apple have revenues of $15.7B and JP Whitehead isn't an electrical engineer...
sometimes it just takes a while for new technology....
My (tinfoil) hat is off to Mr junk science for your most lucid comments.
"Junk Science"...
On that one, I would have to differ ever so slightly.
Mr. John Paul Whitefoot's article, echoed here on the EB, falls squarely in the category of "Product Speculation" pure and simple.
Does Apple even know of ElectriPlast, or the enhancements each could have on the other?
Maybe, maybe not.
While I truly don't think so, I would be well off mark to make such a claim, and if you re-read Mr. Whitefoot's article, you will note he didn't either. Rather, his was to suggest that in a perfect world scenario, the meeting of minds between these two products may bring both to a higher plateau.
Cynics and nay-sayers should realize that this investment, and the comments discussed are not all so transparent, nor one-dimensional. That is the reason people are here to dig beneath the surface, to explore possibilities not publically announced, to dream beyond what is apparent on the surface.
This is an emerging technology. The sky's the limit on what actually is possible. Those invested here are waiting for the rest of the world to catch up on the things we imagine as possible and realistically achievable --- yes, even at this late date, I said “achievable”...
I am of complete agreement, were Apple to have discovered ElectriPlast, I am certain a synergetic relationship would have emerged.
Is such a thing happening now? I doubt it.
Will it happen in the future – once ElectriPlast, and its product value and capabilities are “discovered” as a result of the current market infiltration process? Again, I say the sky’s the limit.
And my friend, I bet you dollars-to-donuts, that is why so many people are still invested in this notion, this dream, this possibility, even after all these years.
That said, I am certain there is a parade out there somewhere that needs to be rained on…
Now, with your marching orders securely in hand; your commentary out of context and slanted with an unsaid agenda; I say, go forth and do what you are best at doing.
Oh my, if JP Whitefoot says it, it`s product speculation, pure and simple. We agree on that one.
But a few short paragraphs later we get; "the sky`s the limit", "realistically achievable", and "I am certain a synergetic relationship would have emerged".
So here`s the drizzle...
Do your comments have any basis in fact or are they also based on speculation driven solely by undocumented claims (company drizzle) from the very same guys that are trying to sell you their "product"....stock certificates?
To the first part of your question Do your comments have any basis in fact --
To the rest of it, aside from some loopy version of fishing, all I have to say is: Huh??
PK sends...
Ah yes.
PK has so many multi-dimensional facts that he has found beneath the surface. Too bad he doesn't share them with the folks at Integral. Then there might be a meeting of the minds through which all could reach a higher plateau and the limitless possibilities of the dream could be realized.
PK is now quashing any semblence of discussion of objective facts, data and information surrounding this "investment". Common sense is outlawed here. Between the koolaide and the tinfoil hat, I think he's left us.
Time to buy - the sky's the limit.
Some compelling points have been made:
If Apple solved their "antenna" problem with an insulating rubber case, why is it reasonable to think a conducting plastic would work?
Is there any evidence, data or facts whatsoever that an Integral product could even function as an efficient antenna?
It seems that someone has indeed "looked beneath the surface" and is asking why even the unfounded assertions no longer make sense.
A while back similar questions were posed about the data sheets and how EP compares against the incumbent materials - copper, aluminium, etc.
Can anyone offer anything beyond "dreams and limitless possibilities"? Or is that all we have here?
We??? Please don't use the plural sense of the word. There is no 'WE'. There is you and your opinion, and then there is the rest of us. TADA! You sound like the same guy who post's on yahoo....lost, frightened, needy, and begging for proof beyond a doubt. How do you know your computer chip is REALLY functioning 100% as it was designed to do? It might be working part time and only at 10% capacity. Better check that one out.
Regarding the one or 2 posters that post both here and on the stock boards; I realize that this question has been asked of you both many times before yet never answered:
If you are so certain that EP does not work and that the management is both inept and only pumping and selling stock, why do you continue to post day after day, year after year?
In your mind the product is bogus and the management are basically crooks. Nothing has changed and nothing will change. I totally get it.
Why are you still here?? Are you protecting us? I am 52 years old and have been investing in technology stocks since 1979. Are you protecting me?
We have all heard your points of view for years now. We clearly understand that in your view, EP does not work. If it worked, many of the 350 companies with NDA's would be using it. If it worked we would already have cash flow. I think we totally understand your points of view. We are clear.
Why is it that you people are still here??
If history is any guide (and we know how "they" love history), their answer, if indeed there is one, will be that as long as the "pumpers" are presenting their side they will continue to present an opposing viewpoint.
You're right though -- there's never been a solid answer as to *why* they feel so compelled to bless us with their contrarian viewpoint month after month.
It's quite easy (and apparent) to understand why a long shareholder would want to talk about a stock they own and ultimately see it succeed -- the naysaying, non-shareholder, however, now that's a horse of a different color.
The funny thing is some of the bashers have admitted to still owning the stock, figure that one out...
"This Blog is dedicated to open and honest discussion on Integral Technologies & their intellectual property (IP) known as ElectriPlast."
Hmmmm, and then in the next paragraph:
" I am well read, focused and appreciate challenging interactions which spark creativity and develop enlightenment. That is why I created the ElectriPlast Blog, and the reason I am here."
So I ask you, what part of "challenging interactions" and "develop enlightenment" didn`t you understand?
I for one don`t find anything particularly challenging or enlightening about parroting the company line. Please, bring it on if you have something new.
Strange thing...
The last anonymous poster said:
"Please, bring it on if you have something new..."
Well, like I started, the strange thing about seeing such a comment--here of all places...is it seems to me that such a notion (from the first posting, on) is what brought this entire discussion and resultant kerfuffle about.
Here, we have someone—possibly an investor like most here—not affiliated to Integral or their marketing/manufacturing machine…someone who decided to write an article focusing on the reported troubles associated to the 4th Generation iPhone model & the potential synergy / solution of ElectriPlast, and the benefits such a marriage could present.
Apparently, to some, that didn't go over very well and indigestion took over. Now, I’ll be a bit biased, since I am the EB’s publisher, but I have to be honest…unless there is a hard-core agenda at play with some of the comments made here, one (glancing casually at the responses left behind) must conclude that simple reading for content is not a stressed priority in some school systems. I say that because the story was taken well out of context, and proof beyond the nth degree demanded of any who commented positively, or commented at all, was and continues to be a bit over-kill.
Well, I'm not that fearful -- I'll come out and say it clearly for all to read and understand. I, and those invested and reading this Blog, don't hold god-like powers. I don't have the power to; as you put it, bring on something new. To be honest, were it solely for the purpose of satisfying your ego--I still would be sorely tempted not to share.
But this is an open Blog, so to clearly dispel yet another earlier comment that same poster fat-fingered into existence:
what part of "challenging interactions" and "develop enlightenment" didn`t you understand?
Step outside of your tormented corner for a quick moment and realize, you are actually interacting with others, even as you read this. We don't have to agree, as a matter of fact, often times it is better to not agree -- sometimes in doing so, a level of wisdom can be achieved...
I too am all for meaningful discussion and different points of view. I am just so, so tired of hearing the exact same negative messages, concerning both EP and Integral's management, over and over from the same 1 or 2 posters. Again, I and I assume all who read this blog totally understand their point of view. So I will ask my question of them once again:
Regarding the one or 2 posters that post both here and on the stock boards; I realize that this question has been asked of you both many times before yet never answered:
If you are so certain that EP does not work and that the management is both inept and only pumping and selling stock, why do you continue to post day after day, year after year?
In your mind the product is bogus and the management are basically crooks. Nothing has changed and nothing will change. I totally get it.
Why are you still here?? Are you protecting us? I am 52 years old and have been investing in technology stocks since 1979. Are you protecting me?
We have all heard your points of view for years now. We clearly understand that in your view, EP does not work. If it worked, many of the 350 companies with NDA's would be using it. If it worked we would already have cash flow. I think we totally understand your points of view. We are clear.
Why is it that you people are still here??
Frankie -
Thanks - my questions as well. I enjoy this blog, but am really tired of reading the anonymous, repetitive criticisms from people who refuse to be the least bit transparent about their interest in ITKG
Its strange that people get so frustrated with "all the negativity" but never seem to tire of endless broken promises, dreamy speculation and vague baseless assertions. They refuse to discuss any facts related to this company; instead they label anyone with a negative comment or challenge a "basher" and demand to know "why are you here"?
When a publicly owned company burns through $30M+ in cash and destroys millions of $$$ in shareholder value, all the while enriching themselves, they are bound to make some enemies. All the money they've run through has come out of someone's hide. You might say that someone's portfolio has been "bashed". Maybe they are here for a little pay back. Maybe they think that companies like ITKG are nothing more than a drag on the economy - producing nothing, employing no one (other than a handful of consultants and lawyers). Maybe they feel that what they thought was risk was really a shell game. Or maybe they have the twisted idea that companies that solicit public money should be subject to public scrutiny.
I have worked for two decades as a journalist. Your claims: "When a publicly owned company burns through $30M+ in cash and destroys millions of $$$ in shareholder value, all the while enriching themselves..." belong in an investigation of the company. They need to be substantiated - by evidence that the product is totally misrepresented by ITKG - to be anything more than sad-sack grousing. I would venture that many of us have seen paper losses and gains with this company, and yet are still here. We are well-informed of the risks of this investment, and don't need or want unsubstantiated and repetitive criticisms of this entity. We KNOW that things might not work out. If you are a bereaved investor, I am sorry. We are all taking a risk. You don't need to defend us.
Oscar's right. We've had enough of the unsubstantiated and repetitive criticisms. Please stop.
However, lets keep the unsubstantiated and repetitive dreams, rumors, assertions and possibilities coming. It makes us feel a lot less silly for buying (and holding) this worthless stock.
For all who come here seeking a forum for open and honest discussion as it states in the dedication at the top of the home page......the open part means we talk, you listen. Questions will only be answered at our discretion. And unanswered questions are under no circumstances ever to be repeated again.
And the part about appreciating challenging interactions which spark creativity and develop enlightenment.....let me explain that. Challenging interactions was never meant to include opposing points of view. Creativity and enlightenment are code words used to describe the tools we use to make sure all the fish(you) are swimming in the same direction.
I have already asked this question 2 times over the past few days and have yet to receive an answer:
If you people are so certain that EP does not work and that the management is both inept and only pumping and selling stock, why do you continue to post day after day, year after year?
Why are you still here?
In your mind the product is bogus (a scam) and the management are basically crooks. Nothing has changed year in and year out and nothing will ever change (according to you).
So why are you still here??
I am still waiting for your answer(s);
Why are you still here?
There you go ignoring the obvious....still.
Did I take money from you?
Did I offer you you a plan and then not deliver?
As an earlier poster so succinctly pointed out, you demand answers from us, who owe you nothing, yet turn a blind eye to Integrals management.
You claim over 30 years investing in technology. Another claims 20 years as a journalist. But you seem afraid to ask the tough questions. Afraid to demand answers from the very people who have their hands in your pocket.
Don`t get me wrong....that is your choice if that is what you choose to do. Good on you. Ignorance is bliss, they say. But don`t then turn your anger on us for asking the questions that need to be asked. Why does 2 X 2 never seem to make it to 4 with these guys? Why shouldn`t managements feet be held to the fire? And don`t try to tell me they don`t read every single post.
Why am I still here? To make sure those questions get asked in the same public forums that so often pander to the very people that have taken their money and given them nothing.
Attack the messenger all you like Mr "I`ve been investing in technology since 1972", it won`t change the question. Nor will it change the need for that public scrutiny a previous poster so aptly pointed out.
Again, if you have the proof that this Company is a scam and management is corrupt, etc. (which you seem to be pointing us in that direction) then lay it out for us. Please provide the goods. Just because the Company hasn't made it over the next hurdle does not mean EP doesn't work and management is scamming us. Provide the info, otherwise you're just another basher trying to depress the share price so you can buy at a discount. Maybe you work for a competitor for all we know.
I don`t recall claiming this company was a scam. Or that management is corrupt. Or even that EP doesn`t work.
How would I know any of that?
Is this a glaring example of that "reading for content" that PK was concerned about?
And then the best one of all...."you're just another basher trying to depress the share price so you can buy at a discount." Why all the unfounded accusations just because I asked a few questions about the companies past performance?
Oh, and let`s not forget that "work for a competitor" part. Let me assure you, I don`t. But even if I did, I think it`s laughable that one would come here to bash another company that hasn`t sold a dimes worth of product in over 8 years.
Why is none of this intense scrutiny directed at the company?
STS, you said, in part:
"Why am I still here? To make sure those questions get asked in the same public forums that so often pander to the very people that have taken their money and given them nothing."
Your line of reasoning is untenable. Do you really expect anyone to believe that out of the tens of thousands of publicly traded companies, only one qualifies as having a need to have your oh-so-special "tough questions" asked in a public forum?
Sorry, but THAT is a bigger stretch than anything ever claimed about ElectriPlast.
Obviously there is something else at work here. Maybe that rumor about the russian mafia was true after all. haha Just kiddin' ya.
Innocent and Coy...
Strange again how an "Anonymous" entity can claim 'hurt' feelings over unrecalled commentary.
Alright, I'll throw you a bone, maybe it wasn't you in particular who made such a claim...maybe it was someone else using the same Anonymous said... name that you do.
And if that's the case, then we--my friends--have a Doppleganger in our midst.
Or, maybe, just maybe you can step off of your high-horse for a moment and rethink your statement regarding my "reading for content" comment. Granted, I wrote it, but from where I sit, and considering your last post -- I think it still stands as a valid point.
Try as you may, fact is, on this you really can't have it both ways...
You hit the nail on the head. There is an agenda at play with so much interest by this negative cadre.
While I'll be the first to acknowledge that Integral has had a number of bad days...behind the scenes, they have had successes that we have yet to be shown--and some of which, has been seen but out of context in its own right.
Back to this negative cadre though, thought and reason won't work here, they will simply move the goal-posts in mid conversation, always making the meeting of minds ever more elusive--and at the end, and meaningless endeavor. Still, this isn't a witch hunt; this is a collective effort to uncover a sense of truth while we share insight on a common interest pursuit.
I am an investor in this stock. While I know my level of control and influence is limited, as an investor, I would truly be jazzed at the prospect of success and an even greater market potential arose because of the ElectriPlast aspect.
There you go full disclosure.
Now Nay-Sayers and Cynics...let's hear your reasons for sloughing it out here, there, or anywhere else there is an online outlet???
I'm an inquiring mind (my Blog said so), so I guess there is a question I want to know more about...
PK sends...
I have still not heard the reason(s) why these people are still here?
PK you are correct about these people moving the goal posts in mid sentence. Perhaps if they shared their true reasons and points of view regarding their total negativity in Integral it would make more of an honest impact on us who own shares.
I too am a shareholder and have not been happy with many of management's decisions over the past 3 years. I am also keenly aware of the obstacles involved in launching a new technology. It is not easy on any front.
I have a pile of shares in this speculative venture. I too hope that we succeed. If we do not, my world does not end. My gut tells me that we have a good chance. Just my gut with no other hard evidence.
So why are these people still here year after year?
PK -
Over the last couple of years, the proportion of posts on this blog dealing with this unsourced negativity has increased to the point of dominating the entire conversation. I believe it is totally within your purview to do a bit of editorial work, and to perhaps modify the completely open nature of your posting policy. I, for one, am rather tired of this thread of commentary. I would rather read about and deal with real information or speculation than continue bouncing around this ridiculous echo chamber. I don't want to remove the blog from my daily read, but you might reflect on doing a bit of removal yourself.
You have my vote along Oscar's sentiments.
During the past year and a half when I have tried to get involved with a real discussion on a particular issue, we are indeed bombarded by negativity that usually has absolutely nothing to do with the topic of discussion.
I too feel that you have a responsibility to pull the weeds out of your garden before the plants all die. I believe that we would all like meaningful discussion with both pro and con points of view however the situation is out of control.
These people already have their own places to go. Let them continue to ruin the Yahoo and Raging Bull boards.
Frankly, it is not so enjoyable to come by PK's blog anymore.
Censorship!! What a great idea. And since this blog emanates from Germany you can probably sidestep a lot of those pesky rules found in USA blogs. Can`t wait to see those terms of service.
There is a definite pattern on this blog:
1. Someone makes an assertion like "EP might have been a great antenna material for the iPhone4"
2. Someone challenges that assertion - basically asking "why would think that?"
3. The assertion and the challenge are quickly forgotten and the ensuing "discussion" centers on personal attacks and motives - "you're lost, frightened, needy", "you're a pumper" and "why are you here?".
Frankly, I don't care if you're a lost, frightened pumper and you're here because of voices in your head. What I care about is facts and logic pertaining to this product and company. In the end, opinions are only as good as the facts that back them up - IMHO. (I might have some "opinions" on neurosurgery - but you might not want me tinkering inside your head.)
And can't we drop the demands to prove a negative? - "prove that it CAN'T work!". Its like demanding "prove that pigs CAN'T fly!" Perhaps on some planet at some time, one might witness porcine aviation. But they're pretty unlikely to be lined up on a runway at O'Hare anytime soon.
Negativity is not all bad either. As the negative challenges and questions arise, rebut them with information, data, facts or other due diligence. Its a great way to promote the stock, the company and the product. Some of you took the bait laid out by "Mr Junk Science". Instead, quiet him(her) by explaining why EP would make a great antenna for a cell phone.
Venture capitalists will tell you that every proposal for funding is full dreams, promises and hockey stick projections. What they really want to know is what are the 4-5 ways a proposal is most likely to fail. Looking at the risk factors is a good way to sort out ventures. It can be helpful to us, as well.
To the last poster: That all sounds good. Please feel free to lead by example. We'll all be the better for it. Which "side" of the debate are you on? We'll line up our debate partners post-haste. Once we've solved this conundrum we'll move to the debate over how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.
"And since this blog emanates from Germany you can probably sidestep a lot of those pesky rules found in USA blogs."
Methinks someone has visited the Kool-Aid trough one time too many...
Blog censorship is what the blog's owner makes it.
Now if you are trying to pick a fight with Germany based on principle, then I would seriously recommend abolishing all Miller brand beers and bring your best game to the Fest table.
PS... FYI, your best-game doesn't include the Coors-brand either.
PK "raising the conversation bar to a level where reasoned minds can actually find a bit of common ground" sends...
The "definite pattern" an earlier poster spoke of is alive and well. And from the top down, no less.
PK...What happened to the censorship issue that was clearly directed to you by both Oscar and Frankie? The "within your perview" part. The same censorship issue that was the basis for my post.
I have no issue with Germany. I was only suggesting that(if)they have something equal to our first ammendment it wouldn`t necessarily be the same. And the beer brands????? Sorry, the content there escaped me.
Alright -- to the last poster...
You have nothing against Germany, yea to you. You're clueless to beer brands, much less quality. And, you have no real sense of humor or irony about you.
Now -- you speak of censorship, and why I am not leaning that direction...well, I remember when I first created this Blog. As a refuge from the RagingBull, but more as a means of sharing information and insight with those interested in more than the tit-for-tat taking place on the RB and effectively muddling the point of--at least--my presence there... To learn more...
Like I noted earlier, when I first created the EB, a friend commented that it would be more effective if I had a mission statement (something to outline the rules of the road, and to keep the objective clearly in mind at all times).
The mission statement went something like this:
"This Blog is dedicated to open and honest discussion on Integral Technologies & their intellectual property (IP) known as ElectriPlast. Discussions on this Blog include: Historical Perspectives (Integral & its Products); Management Profiles; Patents; Production Issues; Tech Spin-offs; Product Speculations and Time Tables; The Game Plan; Media Relations; Corp Supporters; Shareholder Impressions; & the Latest News."
It's worked well, and for some strange reason, no-where in there do I sense the word CENSORSHIP.
Soooo, there you have it --
Thanks PK for your clear thoughts. Unfortunately, you have allowed the creation of your very own Raging Bull/Investors Hub/Yahoo Message Board.
I am out of here.
Frankie, your comments are spot-on. Having said that, I reckon you could start your own blog that follows the communication plan you have endorsed. I'm certain many would seek a refuge-of-sorts there. Thanks.
Maybe the reason we spend all our time here discussing censorship, motives and beer brands is that Integral and Electriplast provide us with nothing to discuss...
I'm going to have to side with PK on this one. As tired as I am hearing the bashers continue to beat the same drumb, I believe we need to have all opinions heard. For me personally, management is and has been "on the clock" and will need to deliver on the PO's. And to the bashers, I would suggest you may not have a full understanding of what the Company has been and is currently trying to accomplish. It doesn't mean they will succeed - it means the risk of not succeeding is substantial any this may not be an appropriate stock for you to own based on your risk tolerance.
I have to agree - this is a very high risk stock. Clearly, there are plenty of applications for a moldable, low density plastic material - if it can be made cost effectively. But EP's lack of commercial success would indicate technical or cost issues; issues that might not be made public.
Lets hope that ITKG has the technical horsepower to overcome these challenges...
Risk, what risk? Seems like I read right here on this blog that Electriplast works. The sky is the limit and that`s a fact!! Even Doug Mathias went on record claiming "it works". He hasn`t been able to sell it to a single one of his 600 customers for 4 years running, but it works....he said so.
Cost issues? That has been one of the biggest selling points since Tommy discovered the stuff. "Uses conventional manufacturing processes".....has been claimed over and over. And Jasper Rubber`s manufacturing, engineering, and management staff will help you get over any learning curve you may find.
I don`t see the risk if you`re smart enough to "know" all this stuff......and believe it. It must be those darn engineers. They just don`t want to "know" something new. But they`ll come around....it`s just a matter of time....maybe.
I'll give your "what risk?" question a shot (although I suspect if you took 10 seconds you could figure it out for yourself). First of all, what do people do in a recession? They cut back on spending. Do you think corporations are any different? Do you think that the costs saved are recognized immediately by companies that may potentially utilize EP? I seriously doubt it. Are investors running out to invest in the stock market? Not the last time I checked. Are corporations running out and investing in new technology? Not like they were. Public and private companies, and individuals, have generally been in survival mode for the last two years, if not longer. One wrong turn for a company in this climate could have very negative results, and EP represents a rather significant turn for some companies. There are several other factors to consider, but I think the answer to your question "what risk?" is clear. Maybe your question should be "Can I tolerate this level of risk?"
I like it! Now if there were only activity to match the "show."
Where did you find that video? When was it made?
It was made Tuesday . . .
Ha, ha. The dog ate my homework excuse. It`s not my fault....it`s the economy. The rising tide thing, right.
And it doesn`t help that Electriplast is not a new technology, it`s a replacement technology. Everything Electriplast claims it can do, can and is being done by metal equivalents already in the marketplace.
Integral says components made from Electriplast are cheaper but has failed to show a head-to-head comparison......and the marketplace hasn`t responded.
Integral says components made from Electriplast are lighter but has failed to show a head-to-head comparison......and the marketplace hasn`t responded.
Integral says components made from Electriplast have equal or better performance ratings but has failed to show a head-to-head comparison.....and the marketplace hasn`t responded.
Seven licensees and 350 NDA signators kicking the tires.....but the marketplace hasn`t responded.
Doug Mathias, with his 600 signed on customers and his personal video claiming "it works"....and the marketplace hasn`t responded.
But it`s the economies fault. How did I miss that?
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