ElectriPlast: Patents Pending or Innovation Delayed?

By Vince S.,
ElectriPlast Blog Editor
"… the Power... to promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries."
In the Beginning
During the next 145 years, the US was fueled by creativity, driven by innovation and consumed by manifest destiny as it expanded “from sea to shining sea.” Along with expansion came the basis of a robust economic system. And the once rural backwater, often the subject of derision by Europe, became urban and industrial as it morphed into the most creative country in the history of the world.
Building a Bureaucracy
By 1935, the Patent Office had issued two million patents to US inventors; then America went on a tear creating the four millionth patentable invention by 1976. At the dawn of the Computer Age, in a blistering burst of creativity, the Patent Office issued the six-millionth US Patent in 1999! Six million patents in 209 years! Surely, the next two million patents would be issued by 2009. After all, the USPTO bureaucracy was operating at optimum efficiency.
Or was it?
Drilling down through the bureaucracy, EB found an Agency awash in paper in a computerized world, woefully understaffed and beset with a myriad of systemic problems that have lead to a backlog of over 700,000 unexamined patent applications. One highly-placed insider noted that the Patent Office continues to function much the same as it had 200 years ago. Problems have mounted as a result:
· At last count, there were circa 3,500 Patent Examiners (PE), about half the necessary strength to tackle the task. PE starting salaries range from $38K to $72K. (Good luck recruiting a Chemical Engineer graduate student to live in the DC Metro area for that money.)
· PEs who meet the citizenship, security and academic requirements are difficult to retain. The best and the brightest are frequently targeted by higher paying IP law firms in the private sector.
· Patents exceeding 100-plus pages in nanotechnology, bioinformatics, biotechnology, engineering, pharmaceuticals, software and the Internet among others are not uncommon.
· The case load per PE has increased in proportion to the difficulty of the technology and the accelerated rate of submissions.
· And last, but not least, was a Congressional “fix” that only made things worst.
Congress, in its infinite wisdom, tried to fix the Patent Office staffing deficit by increasing patent fees to give the Agency the ability to fund additional Patent Examiners. Unfortunately, the new fee structure produced so much cash that Congress raided the USPTO “piggy bank” whenever it needed funds. (They learned that from raiding the Social Security Trust Fund!) Needless to say, other legislation to fix “the fix” languishes in the hallowed halls of The Hill.
Enter ElectriPlast
Integral Technologies has filed over 120 patents; 21 have been approved and 100 are pending approval. Those unexamined pending patents will generate licensing and royalties from a many sectors, including, but not limited to:
· Automotive fuel cells, spark plugs, fuses, etc.,
· Avionics and aircraft structures, etc.,
· Braking devices and power components for subways; trains, etc.,
· Carpeting, flooring tiles, etc.,
· Cooking and heating elements; microwave oven components, etc.
· Fastening materials; i.e., bolts, screws, rivets and nuts, etc.
· Motorcycle, marine engine components, etc., and
· Specialty clothing and cloth materials.
In a recent press release covering the approval of one of its patents, Integral noted that the USPTO patent approval process was taking up to two years from the date of the patent filing. With that in mind, EB reviewed the 100 patents pending to determine how many were close to the two-year approval time.
The USPTO Patent Pending file reflected the fact that 59 Integral patents are overdue; i.e., they were filed more than two-years ago! Of course, the possibility exists that a small number of them might have been disallowed by USPTO. Even so, 59 overdue patents certainly bolsters the theory that Integral Technologies has plenty of news to deliver, big news!
Moreover, the EB review found that 18 additional patents pending are due to reach the two-year mark during May 2007.
Do the Math
So, let’s do some math to see if EB got it right. There are 21 Integral patents approved, plus 59 overdue for a decision, and 18 due to pass the two-year mark in May 2007. That’s 98 patents, folks! And there are another 22 Integral Technologies patents in the USPTO pile.
Hi there,
I have been following the stock for a while now and it seems to have come to a stand still position. There is one question that has been puzzling me regarding this technology. From what I understand, the conductivity in the plastic is achieved by metal, so I can appreciate that Integral has found a better way to mix or achieve better dispersion which makes their solution more conductive than other plastic of that type. However how can it be as conductive as metal but lighter? If the conductive material is metal than it would seems obvious that to achieve similar level of conductivity you would require the same mass of metal?
Also, from what I have read on conductive plastic the biggest difficulties is dispersion of the conductive matter during the molding process, has anybody seen any electriplast parts? Do they have difficulties in achieving consistency in the end product, which would explain their silence?
Really this story does seems to good to be true, is it a scam?
Thanks for your thoughts
PJ –
Thanks for the question. Your timing is pretty good, I just wrote a, well a rather long missive to a group of friends regarding the silence presently in place, and my view on the issues difficulties, or consolations taking place at this point behind the scenes.
Before going further on that point though, let me note that while ElectriPlast has conductive properties equal to, or better than it’s metal comparison – this is a fact that has been stated repeated, the pending 3rd party tests will bear this reality out in time…
As for how it can be better, well from various interviews given, it is known that this is a unique mix of materials, which when compiled in a specialized fashion, uses micron sized filaments that are in some manner situated in a specialized lattice.
This gives the ElectriPlast material both its tensile strength and lightweight, in addition to its conductive, or as required, its resistive potential.
Granted, this is the simplistic perspective, but I think it answers the gist of your question.
As for the story being a scam – consider this, who’s reputation will be damaged more if it is?
Integral, the creator of the IP, and patent holder… Or JARCO, almost an 80 million dollar a year, employee owned company who has invested time, equipment, security and man-power all aimed to the successful kick-off of this innovative potential. More to the point, JARCO wants to multiply their profits five fold in the next few years, and is fast becoming the Center of the ElectriPlast universe. They have already sunk a healthy amount of time, energy, and clout behind this new direction, and have uncovered solid benefits not yet disclosed.
My spider-sense is telling me that with this kind of solid support by a deep-pocketed, trusted agent, the ITKG investors have far less to be concerned with than they did 14 months ago with the stock was treading water at .30 cents.
As for the silence, there is an old saying regarding the quiet before the storm… A synergy of events are coming to a head, one might consider this a preamble to the Big Bang that creates that ElectriPlast universe mentioned earlier…
I hope that was of help…
PK sends…
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