ElectriPlast: CES in Our Rear View Mirror

ElectriPlast Publisher
A smashing success!
“It had buzz and optimism and attracted the world leaders of the content,
technology and services, communications and automobile industries.”
“We had a record-breaking show with 2,700 exhibitors filling more than 1.8 million net square feet of show space.”
And that isn’t all, folks!
There were over 140,000 attendees but, when attendance is verified by an independent accounting firm, it is expected that the 2007 CES show will exceed the 152,203 person record at last year’s show. The atmosphere on the floor was electric, with more than 20,000 product launches and over 26,000 attendees from abroad.
And what about our revolutionary intellectual property, ElectriPlast? How did we fare surrounded by cutting edge high technology gadgetry produced by companies with far greater name recognition than Integral Technologies?
Observations from our ‘Boots on the Ground’
Here is a compilation of observations from a few shareholders (reporter) who attended the show.
- The presentation presented by Tom Aisenbrey was clearly for the technically oriented attendee, but that’s what CES is all about, isn’t it? The Integral contingent consisted of Bill Robinson, Tom and several JARCO officers.
- Integral was indeed invited as a recipient of a CES Innovations 2007 Design and Engineering Award in the Enabling Technologies product category. Also, Integral had displays in two different buildings. ElectriLight, demonstrating LED technology, was at the Sands Convention Center, while an interesting display of Radio Shack walkie-talkies equipped with PlasTennas as well other items were at the Las Vegas Convention Center.
- Also available for review was a sample of extruded ElectriPlast that mimicked copper wiring. The sample was small (the size of a floppy disc) and lightweight. Tom said it easily outperformed standard copper wiring in terms of cost, durability and weight. It was impressive to see ElectriPlast in the same arena with multi-billion dollar companies. Suffice it to note, our observers were impressed with the displays and the Integral representation.
- One of the questions by one of our reporters focused on supply chain issues, and its ability to carry the implied future load. The response was that the supply chain issue is being addressed. Presently, JARCO can produce and ship more than 100 thousand pounds of ElectriPlast product per month. The achievable short/mid-term goal is to increase that number to circa 1.5 million pounds per month, with a long-term goal of increasing the monthly production rate according to demand.
- The attendees walked away with a clearer picture as to how the marketing plan was taking shape. Actually, their descriptions touch on what many have observed in press releases to date: Integral’s game plan will target market sectors that focus on areas in which ElectriPlast holds patents. For example: Automotive (ADAC), Heating and Lighting (Heatron), Aviation and Aerospace (Esprit), and manufacturing and compounding (JARCO).
Companies don’t sign licensing agreements in a vacuum. As a rule, by the time they sign on the dotted line, production and future sales have already been factored into the equation. Each licensee has client lists, experienced sales staffs, and reputations for product and service reliability.
So, the marketing game plan is to blitz every sector in which ElectriPlast has an application. This represents well over 100 nondisclosure agreements with companies looking to outmaneuver their competition.
- The CES and the 2007 “Best of” nomination & award, recognized the potential of ElectriPlast. That ElectriPlast garnered such a high ranking in this prestigious technology competition is noteworthy, especially since Integral was transitioning from the development stage to the marketing stage. Also, it should be noted that each of the innovations displayed at CES 2007 could be further enhanced with the introduction of ElectriPlast to make their product smaller, sturdier and more powerful, with less energy consumption.
Can you package and display that?
In short, you cannot but, for those who balk at the potential of this transformational product, consider this: ElectriPlast was nominated and featured in a place of honor at the CES as a “Best of” nominee for a very specific reason. Also, consider that a past honoree was the Apple iPod.
Although the comparison is a bit of a stretch, I look forward to the day when ElectriPlast, like Apple, also becomes iconic.
Could anyone there tell how optimistic the Jasper rubber officers were? How much have they invested in manufacturing capacity? It would seems logical that if they are very committed to Electriplast, that would bode well for prospective sales. Also, I wonder if there will be any revenues recorded this quarter from the previous licensing agreements. ITKG's 10q is coming up in the middle of February. I wish we could get a statement from the CEO.
Thank you for asking the questions. You don't make it easy.
About JARCO - To date, it has been reported through rumor, by the ElectriPlast inventor, Tom Aisenbrey, and by both Integral and JARCO that the company (JARCO) is extremely optimistic about this new and unique connection and their future as they see it.
The reality, JARCO is fully behind the ElectriPlast project, and have placed their full -- wait, let's re-stress that FULL resources behind this endeavor. There is a real potential that this employee managed company will multiply its yearly bottom-line exponentially. You can consider JARCO fully committed. Chances are because of the "exponential" stakes involved we won't hear much on this aspect until all surrounding issues and details are solidified -- but keep an eye out for that space all the same. A lot of activity is taking place at ground zero, better known as "Jasper".
As for revenues, you may see a trickling as reported to the SEC, but don't expect anything of significance until the 3rd and 4th quarter.
Right now, Integral is focused on getting an inside track on each and every conceivable market impacted by its patented products -- and setting up those markets for the time when their pending patents become fully recognized. At present Integral has about 20 patents in place, with another 20 patents due to come into their own in the next few months--and almost 80 more to follow shortly thereafter.
Tom Aisenbrey has in mind to have approximately 300 patents submitted and registered in support of the ElectriPlast IP.
But that is not what you asked; you wanted to know about the revenues. Go with the quarters I mentioned above, but realize that that can be boosted at anytime based on the needs of the orders placed to the niche ElectriPlast licensed companies by the end-users.
As for the statement from Bill Robinson, the Integral CEO, well, I wish that too, but it would be difficult to guess at what he could really tell at this point.
Let me clear up that last -- right now his has a variety of companies test bedding the ElectriPlast material for their use, and to dog-and-pony to their customers. These companies each have the prospect of signing a licensing agreement with Integral, and as a result becoming a conduit to their niche area of the marketplace.
Each are vying for an advantage, a best deal to strike with Bill Robinson so that they can become one of the first--in their niche area--to market the ElectriPlast potential to their clients, and possibly steal customers from their competitors.
Bill Robinson can give the larger picture, but he may be satisfied in letting actions speak for him.
Granted, I --for one-- think it better to let the shareholders in on the larger picture, but I am not standing in his shoes, and it is difficult being a Blog-Seat-Driver.
Suffice it to note, he will say something when ready, and there is enough backdoor interaction and communication taking place at this time where it might not be necessary to hold the shareholders hands. While I don't agree with that line of thought--transparency in my view, and in today's world is a healthy thing--in the business world, it might be extremely costly, showing your cards too willingly to the ever-present competition.
Hope that was of some help,
PK sends...
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