
Welcome to the world of ElectriPlast!! This Blog is dedicated to open and honest discussion on Integral Technologies & their intellectual property (IP) known as ElectriPlast. Discussions on this Blog include: Historical Perspectives (Integral & its Products); Management Profiles; Patents; Production Issues; Tech Spin-offs; Product Speculations and Time Tables; The Game Plan; Media Relations; Corp Supporters; Shareholder Impressions; & the Latest News.

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Location: Bavaria, Germany

I am a retired US Government analyst, currently residing in Germany. I am also a shareholder in the company called Integral Technologies (OTCBB: ITKG), and have a desire to enlighten and share its great and still emerging story. I am well read, focused and appreciate challenging interactions which spark creativity and develop enlightenment. That is why I created the ElectriPlast Blog, and the reason I am here.

April 29, 2006

ElectriPlast -- The "Proxy Vote"

Increase in


of Shares --

By weevil010
29 Apr 2006, 01:39 PM EDT
RagingBull Message Board: 48674 of 48674

[ElectriPlast Blog (EB) Publisher's Note: Although there is no way to validate the veracity of this public RagingBull message board post, the gist of the content is similar to other attendees private email commentaries received by the ElectriPlast Blog -- this RagingBull message board poster submitted this report as a meeting Attendee with first hand knowledge of the discussions taking place. PK sends...]

Special to the ElectriPlast Blog

The Proxy Vote Results . . .

"I attended a very cordial and informative meeting in

Shareholders in attendance were from BC, WA, CA, and London, England.

Following the passing of the motion to increase the number of shares to 150,000,000 the meeting was closed.

What followed was a frank discussion of where ITKG had been, how it got there, its relationship with Motorola and its near miss in getting a noteworthy relationship with them.

" All of what I heard convinced me that management was genuine and forthright and had learned from their past experiences and was moving forward to success. "

I believe in ITKG more now than at any time in the past seven years. Their advancement in the production of electriplast and plastena has matured. ITKG will use some treasury shares to finance in-house manufacture of their proprietary feedstock that will be used by others for injection molding. In this manner they will be able to satisfy the growing demand for their product(s) and ensure the "coca-cola" recipe for electriplast is kept in-house. We got to see and hold electriplast items. We learned that more patents have been issued and these patents have even more value since RIM had to settle its patent dispute.

I can attest to the fact that ITKG has not wasted any money on fancy offices, furniture, etc. I can't wait to see them on a thirtieth floor of some fancy office tower replete with fantastic views.

" I was genuinely impressed with what I heard and saw. "

No I am not a paid promoter for ITKG - just a long time investor.

(Voluntary Disclosure: Position- Long; ST Rating- Buy; LT Rating- Strong Buy)


[ ElectriPlast Blog Publisher's Personal Note: I do not usually read the RagingBull website, but did have a fellow shareholder recently email this as an item of interest.

Unbeknownst to the poster, "Weevil010," I have taken great liberties to reflect his/her commentary here for others to share.

To Weevil010 ~ No offense meant in borrowing your words. Many have asked, and yours was one of the first, first-hand account of the events
posted in a public forum -- for that I wish to bestow my appreciation for your shared words. PK again sends...]

April 26, 2006

ElectriPlast . . . An Addendum


Defined. . .

By Vince S.
ElectriPlast Blog Editor

[ElectriPlast Blog Publisher's Note: The following is an addendum to the 13 April 2006 ElectriPlast Blog article
"Move Over Number 29," Copper for those not up on their Periodic Tables -- It's all yours Vince, run with it...]

Many questions surfaced regarding the prospect of ElectriPlast replacing copper.

The reality is, there are many applications where the base metal is required. Even in the article, "Move over Number 29," there was never a mention of ElectriPlast replacing Copper, as much as it offered the "potential" to substitute for some copper applications; i.e., airplanes, motors, autos, etc.

In short, there are areas in which ElectriPlast makes more sense; i.e., where connectivity, malleability and light weight are factors - BINGO! Go with ElectriPlast. However, where conductivity, malleability and heavy weight is required, copper is the metal of choice.

Just for laughs, here's another area in which ElectriPlast, had it been available at the time, would not have replaced copper...

In the early days of wooden hulls and canvass sail, sailors and merchant mariners armed their vessels with iron cannon that fired iron balls. How did they keep all those balls from rolling on a pitching deck?

Someone devised a stacking methodology that was based on the pyramid. One ball on top, sitting on four, sitting on nine, sitting on sixteen. This ingenious stacking method allowed a stack of 30 balls to be conveniently placed at a battle station adjacent to the cannon. However, that, in turn presented another problem. Specifically, how to stabilize the cannon ball stack on a rolling deck.

Had this solution not been found by October 21, 1805, we would be living in a totally different world today. That was the day when Lord Nelson defeated the French-Spanish Fleet at the Battle of Trafalgar, ending Napoleon's plans to destroy the Royal Navy and invade England. Some of the ships of the line at Trafalgar were three-deckers with up to 120 cannon. With 30 balls per cannon rolling around the decks (do the math), just imagine how that battle would have fared.

  • The solution: a plate with 16 round dents to house the lower level of the iron cannon ball stack.

It was commonly called a "Monkey." If the plate were made of the same material as the cannon and the cannon balls--iron--sea spray and humidity would quickly rust the iron balls to the "Monkey."

  • Solution number two? Make the "Monkey" from a brass (copper and zinc mixture) plate.

In sea trials, it was discovered that iron balls won't rust to brass plates; however, brass contracts at a faster rate than iron when chilled. So when temperatures at sea dropped too far, the dents on the "Brass Monkey" shrank, dumping the iron balls on the deck.

Thus was born the expression, "Cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey."

April 15, 2006

ElectriPlast -- The Upcoming "Proxy Vote"

100 Million

New Shares

Inside the Numbers

By Craig Q.

Special to the ElectriPlast

On April 28th, 2006, ITKG shareholders will determine by proxy vote whether or not to authorize 100 million new shares into the Integral treasury till. The current authorized share count is 50 million common and 20 million preferred. What are the pros and cons to this proposal? Is this just what the doctor ordered, the precursor to increased liquidity, visibility, dividends, splits? Or is it a harbinger of dark days, excessive stock placement resulting in dilution, dwindling stock price, and dissolution of investor confidence? The company has given several reasons for needing the new shares. These reasons are listed and examined below. Considering where you fall on these issues may help in deciding if, in your opinion, the new proposal is for the best.

Stock Splits

There are roughly two million shares and change left in the treasury.

Mathematically, about the best they could do if they were to offer a split would be a 20:19 deal. At that level, why bother? That would leave their till empty and for very little effect. They essentially need 50 million more for the standard 2-1 split. Buying stock back into treasury to accommodate a split right now is cost prohibitive and not good business anyway. Buy backs are typically used to retire stock, not hand it back out as part of a split.

At what price would it split?

The historical high across a seven year time span is under ten dollars. Stock splits are general indicators of good health for a company provided the split is not forced. Is there compelling evidence to suggest that enough upward pressure will occur to put the stock price in a position to split? There is a methodology called CANSLIM used for discovering ‘hidden gem’ companies before they hit their stride. One of the requirements is that the outstanding share count be at or below 25 million. MSN Money shows (as of 4/10/2006) 12 companies that pass CANSLIM muster. None of these companies have over 25 million shares outstanding and all have share prices between 20 and 80 dollars. While ITKG is nowhere *near* that share price, it is worth noting that they fail the stock requirement and are looking to triple the current authorized amount. The CANSLIM filter is here:


While not out of the realm of possibility, there is nothing historical to suggest that ITKG can achieve this, but they are a start-up company. Innovation disdains history, and if this product is what it claims, $50 a share may well be a bargain price in a few years.


The downside is that any new shares issued as a placement represent instant dilution of current ownership. What those placements bring to the table determine whether it is a worthwhile transaction. Shares placed to financing operations represent the worst scenario possible. The company would be selling shares at a discount to get cash for day-to-day expenses, employee compensation and the like. While there is a need to have money to keep the lights on and allow your employees to pay their bills, if done often enough, these deals are classically termed ‘toxic financing’ as the dilutive effect intensifies with each stock placement. This generally typifies a company that is having trouble selling its product but can also be the saving grace that tides them over to profitability.

The best case scenario might be where shares are placed to an investment house looking to add the stock to a mutual fund or something. Rather than test their fate on the open market, a firm could obtain a placement with a sale restriction of a year or two as Wellington already has done with ITKG. That ought to be sufficient time for the company to hit their stride and the stock would be held past the restriction expiry date. Having institutional ownership is often a bellwether of company success, but it needs to be surrounded by a solid business plan as well.

Acquisitions (Company or Product)

ITKG owns Intellectual Property (patents) at this time and little else. They have repeatedly made clear that they have no interest in a production facility, so unless they have had a momentous change of heart, I’d say this mention is included to cover the bases and nothing more. Should they start selling 100,000 pounds of product a month, however, you never know. Funny things happen on the way to the bank and if the opportunity avails itself, they would be ready, but for the moment this is not a factor.

Prevent hostile takeover

A fledgling company with what may or may not be a product that heralds a paradigm shift in the electrical, heating, and lighting industries. A stock price below three dollars. Rumored interest of some deep pockets like DuPont and GE. And an upfront statement that they know of no one that is looking to come in and take over the company. Perhaps they are covering the bases here the same as for acquisitions. At the very least, it addresses a situation before it occurs. That’s why there are vaccines. Preventative medicine. In the light of revenue projections in the hundreds of millions of dollars, I can see them wanting the added layer of security even if they explicitly say they don’t necessarily need it.

There is a matter of trust involved in how you make your decision.

100 million is an awfully large number. They have been incorporated for ten years, working with the original 50 million. Their track record to date has included some placements but nothing that would indicate abuse. Their current situation would suggest that they are in better position now to make money without placements than they have ever been. At the end it comes down to this - do you trust them enough to put, at today’s stock price, 150 million dollars into their company account?

It could be the beginning of the end, or it could be the beginning of the next Microsoft story.

April 13, 2006

ElectriPlast . . .

Move Over

Number 29.

There’s Room for

Both of Us!

By Vince S.
ElectriPlast Blog Editor

ElectriPlast is slated to give this old favorite a run for its money.

It coats the bottoms of cookware, sends water and electricity through our homes, helps computers process faster, speeds communication around the globe, and starts millions of automobiles everyday. What is it? Here's another hint. When mixed with tin, the result is bronze; but add zinc to it and it is called brass. Got it now?

Right! It’s copper.

Copper (Cu) in ancient times

One of the transition elements on the periodic table, copper (atomic number 29 to you science wonks), has been in use since prehistoric times. Archeologists have found evidence that ancient Egyptians, Turks, Chinese, and various Europeans were using copper over 11,000 years ago. Copper weapons have been found dating from about 5000 BC. Egyptian architects built copper plumbing into the great pyramid of Cheops. (A little trivia for your plumber the next time he comes calling!) When Roman legions set out to conquer the world, they obtained most of their copper from mines in Cyprus. In fact, Cuprum (Latin for Cyprus) gave its name to this wonder material. The Colossus of Rhodes, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world, was made of the copper-tin mixture, bronze. Finally, because of its natural beauty, copper was also used to make jewelry, shields, mirrors and ornaments.

In the Middle Ages

Alchemists sought to transmute lead into gold. Up to the 18th century, alchemy was actually considered serious science in Europe. Although they never succeeded in the lead-to-gold conversion, the legacy of alchemy serves as the basis for present-day science. And perhaps the modern equivalent of the alchemists’ centuries old quest is today’s search by materials scientists to solve the issue of a material that can mimic metals.

In the Space Age

After silver, copper is the best metal for conducting electricity. Because it is malleable, it can be shaped into many forms, but copper is also ductile; it can be drawn into extremely thin wire as fine as 0.0001 inches. That’s why copper is a favorite in the defense and space industries. For example, a Triton class nuclear submarine contains 200,000 pounds of copper, mostly in electrical generation and storage systems. Over 10,000 pounds of copper (electrical generation and storage) goes into every NASA Space Shuttle. And lastly, 9,000 pounds of copper (including 120 miles of copper wire) went into each of the nearly 1,500 Jumbo Jets built by Boeing. (That’s a lot of copper since the Wright Brothers first used it in their airplane motor!)

A drum roll, please!

Enter ElectriPlast, a high tech, light weight solution for the aerospace industries’ increasing demand for the non-renewable resource, copper. ElectriPlast is flexible, nearly 40 percent lighter than aluminum, can conduct electricity and heat, and can be molded, cut, or extruded into virtually any shape and form. One such form is wiring that mimics the properties of copper, but at a fraction of the weight and cost.

During a recent interview, Tom Aisenbrey, the inventor of ElectriPlast, and general manager and vice president for product development at Integral Technologies, talked about ElectriPlast’s potential to the aerospace industry. Referring to the amount of copper in the Boeing 747, he said, “What would happen if you cut that weight in half? How much energy savings would you have in something like that alone?” Moreover, he said, "Ours is the world's only highly conductive polymer."

Indeed, Tom. And if you extrapolate those numbers throughout the worldwide aerospace sector…? For a start, lighter weight means less fuel. Hmmm.

Electrical and automotive industries are large users of copper.

Various examples of industries that can use ElectriPlast are antennas, shielding, lighting circuitry, switch actuators, resistors, medical devices, thermal management and cable connector bodies, to name a few. Also the automobile industry puts a whopping 60 pounds of copper in the average vehicle. Then there is the darling of the greenies, hybrids. Because they use electric motors and combustion engines, hybrid cars are estimated to need twice the amount of copper for additional cabling, radiators, air-conditioners, and windings for electric motors. Much of that weight (and cost) can be reduced by ElectriPlast wiring. Less weight, more mileage.

To be sure, ElectriPlast will have a tremendous impact on manufacturing, and many things will change. However, ElectriPlast will not replace copper. For instance, it won’t replace the copper finish on cookware. An ElectriPlast range hood, compared to a copper one, will be a hard sell to homeowners. Similarly, I doubt if John Q. Homeowner will favor ElectriPlast over copper weather vanes. Or ElectriPlast door knob. Finally, the Statue of Liberty consists of over 179,000 pounds of copper plating. But relax, Lady Liberty. We love you just the way you are. Besides, you would be way too cool in a punked out ElectriPlast gown!

But everything else is fair game, so move over copper! There really is room for both of us.

April 05, 2006

ElectriPlast -- Technology Rights Licensed to Heatron Inc.



License of its



By Business Wire
BELLINGHAM, Wash.--April 5, 2006

Integral Technologies, Inc. (OTCBB: ITKG) ("Integral"), has finalized its license agreement with Heatron Inc. (www.heatron.com) for the rights to use the Company's proprietary ElectriPlast™ technology for specific applications in the heating and LED lighting markets. Since its founding in 1977, Heatron has grown to become a leader in innovative heating element and thermal management designs and solutions.

Heatron's CEO Mike Keenan, commenting on the license said, "We feel that obtaining the rights to utilize the ElectriPlast™ material in two of our applications is critical to the market success of these products, in particular our LED products division which is experiencing phenomenal growth."

Integral and Heatron will work together, to bring to market products that will meet the needs of Heatron's customers in the heating and LED lighting markets. In addition, both companies will collaborate in order to identify new applications of Heatron's technology incorporating Integral's ElectriPlast™ material.

Integral continues to work with other companies which are in the process of exploring over 90 currently identified applications of ElectriPlast™.

Integral Technologies

Integral Technologies, Inc. (http://www.itkg.net/) is the developer of an innovative electrically conductive resin-based material called "ElectriPlast," a highly conductive recipe that can be molded into virtually any shape or dimension associated with the range of plastics, rubbers and other polymers. Our IP consists of ElectriPlast™ and over 90 applications of ElectriPlast™ in various industries. To date, we have received 12 patents on ElectriPlast™ applications, 7 have been issued, 5 have been allowed and are awaiting issuance, and 88 are pending. Various examples of industries where ElectriPlast can be used are antennas, shielding, lighting, circuitry, switch actuators, resistors, and medical devices, to name just a few. The company is currently introducing these new products and ElectriPlast technology on a global scale.

This press release contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the 1933 Securities Act and Section 21E of the 1934 Securities Exchange Act. Actual results could differ materially, as the result of such factors as (1) competition in the markets for the products and services sold by the company, (2) the ability of the company to execute its plans, and (3) other factors detailed in the company's public filings with the SEC. By making these forward-looking statements, the Company can give no assurances that the transaction described in this press release will be successfully completed, and undertakes no obligation to update these statements for revisions or changes after the date of this release.

For more detailed information on the company and the technologies described above please visit our web site at http://www.itkg.net/ or contact Shareholder Relations at 888-666-8833 or The Investor Relations Group, at 212-825-3210. To review the company's filings with the SEC, please go to www.sec.gov.


Integral Technologies, Inc. Michael Pound, 888-666-8833

April 04, 2006

ElectriPlast: What's Next? Enter RFID...



By PK & Vince S.
ElectriPlast Blog Publisher / Editor-in-Chief
Due Diligence contributed By UK Investor
Gary Cooper

Can Integral Technologies improve on this emerging technology? The following might surprise you. . .

Among the many intellectual patents Integral Technologies will bring to the marketplace, several are bound to revolutionize the emerging technology called RFID. The term, “emerging technology,” is used loosely because previous iterations of RFID can be traced to the 1920s. During WWII, the British used a form of RFID technology to determine if approaching aircraft were “friend or foe.” However, true RFID systems have only been around since the late 1960s.

But first, what is this "RFID," and how would ElectriPlast's applications impact that emerging technology?

Before getting to the heart of those questions, let's validate the notion that Integral has cast an eye this direction, and that ElectriPlast, in fact, intends to play a role in this emerging market.

Someone once said something to the effect "The proof is in the pudding." Well, in the case of RFID and ElectriPlast's prospect in that field, I guess you could say, the proof is in the "patent."

Abstract of WO2005022684 **
RFID antennas are formed of a conductive loaded resin-based material. The conductive loaded resin-based material comprises micron conductive powder(s), conductive fiber(s), or a combination of conductive powder and conductive fibers in a base resin host. The percentage by weight of the conductive powder(s), conductive fiber(s), or a combination thereof is between about 20% and 50% of the weight of the conductive loaded resin-based material. The micron conductive powders are formed from non-metals, such as carbon, graphite, that may also be metallic plated, or the like, or from metals such as stainless steel, nickel, copper, silver, that may also be metallic plated, or the like, or from a combination of non-metal, plated, or in combination with, metal powders. The micron conductor fibers preferably are of nickel plated carbon fiber, stainless steel fiber, copper fiber, silver fiber, or the like.
** Data supplied from the esp@cenet database - Worldwide

The rest of this article will address the earlier questions posed and strive to touch on other thoughts you may have on those issues -- first though. . .

Let's answer the question, what is RFID?

Radio Frequency IDentification, or RFID, is a generic term for technologies that use radio waves to automatically identify objects. RFID tags are small transponders that are attached to or embedded in a product (a box of nails), an animal (put away that branding iron, partner) or a person (wave your hand to authorize your credit card purchase, sir).

What does RFID technology look like?

Left, Internal Components.

Right, an RFID Mini-Chip.

RFID technology comes in varying sizes and configurations and can be customized to suit a manufacturers’ specifications. Basically, the RFID concept consists of a “tag” and a “reader.” Tags are passive, semi-passive and active. Passive tags have no battery. They draw power from the reader which emits electromagnetic waves that induce a current in the tag's antenna.

Semi-passive tags use a battery to run the chip's circuitry but communicate by drawing power from the reader. Active tags have a battery which is used to run the microchip's circuitry and to broadcast a signal to a reader, similar to the way a cell phone transmits signals to a base station.

BioMetric What?

Over the past decade and unbeknownst to most, RFID has been slowly changing the way we travel, shop, fight, and stay well among other aspects of life. Governments worldwide are using pre-paid transponders to speed commuters along toll roads. Wal-Mart, the world’s largest retailer, has required its top 100 suppliers to apply RFID tags to all shipments to facilitate the Wal-Mart supply chain.

The US Department of Defense has ordered the implementation of RFID as a critical part of our End-to-End Warfighter Support initiative. (Pentagon-speak for world-wide logistical support!)

The US State Department and the passport authorities of France, Malaysia, New Zealand, Norway and Pakistan (others will catch on, eventually) are embedding various forms of RFID technology in passports to facilitate efficient machine reading of immigration, customs and security watchlist data.

RFID chips containing complete medical records and biometric data have been implanted in a small number humans. (This means the end of photo IDs, lost medical records, passwords, etc.).

Livestock ranchers long for the day when they can drive through a heard (or fly over one) and take inventory with an RFID reader. Of course, with every disruptive innovative technology, society must consider the social consequences. In the case of RFID technology, some privacy advocates are concerned that civil liberties may be infringed if RFID reader technology falls into the wrong hands. For instance, that surgically implanted biometric RFID chip could reveal your entire medical history if an unscrupulous person got their hands on an RFID reader. Or, to quote California State Senator Debra Bowen during a 2003 hearing on privacy, "How would you like it if, for instance, one day you realized your underwear was reporting on your whereabouts?" Well, senator, Integral can always password that RFID chip!

Enter Integral Technologies and ElectriPlast.

At last count, Integral Technologies had over 100 patents granted, in the provisional stage or in the submission stage. According to Tom Aisenbrey, the Wizard of Bellingham, many more ElectriPlast patents are just over the horizon. Among these are several that are likely to have a disruptive impact on Radio Frequency Identification technology. These are: PlastiRFID, a low cost, highly effective RFID tag and PlastiLabel, an innovative RFID label.

Stay tuned, folks. This frequency will become red hot before long, thanks to Integral Technologies!

Additional Resources on RFID:
  1. SAVI.com - Learn about RFID
  2. RFID Resource Center
  3. The New Frontier: RFID & Event Stream Processing (Webcast)
  4. Turn RFID Data into Business Decisions by Leveraging ALE (Webcast)
  5. Progress.com - What is RFID
  6. RSA Laboratories - RFID Privacy and Security
  7. ProMat 2005 RFID Knowledge Center
  8. RFID - Weblog
  9. EP Blog Game Plan Press Release