
Welcome to the world of ElectriPlast!! This Blog is dedicated to open and honest discussion on Integral Technologies & their intellectual property (IP) known as ElectriPlast. Discussions on this Blog include: Historical Perspectives (Integral & its Products); Management Profiles; Patents; Production Issues; Tech Spin-offs; Product Speculations and Time Tables; The Game Plan; Media Relations; Corp Supporters; Shareholder Impressions; & the Latest News.

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Location: Bavaria, Germany

I am a retired US Government analyst, currently residing in Germany. I am also a shareholder in the company called Integral Technologies (OTCBB: ITKG), and have a desire to enlighten and share its great and still emerging story. I am well read, focused and appreciate challenging interactions which spark creativity and develop enlightenment. That is why I created the ElectriPlast Blog, and the reason I am here.

January 17, 2010

ElectriPlast: Let the Spigot of News Start Flowing...

First of the





By Business Wire
13 January 2010

BELLINGHAM, Wash. - (Business Wire) Integral Technologies, Inc. (OTCBB:ITKG) (“Integral”), today announces the results of specialized, third-party independent and certified mechanical and electrical testing of its ElectriPlast™ conductive plastic product.

The testing used specimens doped with Stainless Steel Fiber encapsulated in Nylon 6/6 at a thickness of 3mm (0.12”). The test fixtures used for Electrical and Mechanical testing are manufactured by certified suppliers in accordance with ASTM (D638, D790, D256, D648, D792, D257, D4935), ESD (STM 11.11), FTMS (101C,4046), and UL (94) test methods.

Testing revealed that ElectriPlast’s™ Electromagnetic Shield Effectiveness Capability ranged from 70dB @ 30MHz to 90dB @ 1.5GHz. See www.itkg.net to view all the detailed electrical and mechanical test results per each test method. These superb EMI/RFI shielding properties over a wide frequency spectrum from DC to UHF outperformed the competition by over 40%. The Shield Effectiveness was performed according to ASTM D4935. Integral is proud to both reveal the specimen thickness and provide precise results for the shield effectiveness rather than merely a less-than or greater-than format.

Mo Zeidan, head of Business Development for ElectriPlast™ at Integral, said:

“The independent tests prove conclusively that ElectriPlast™ possesses unique properties that give rise to an efficiency and effectiveness far superior to those of our competitors’ electrically conductive products.”

The unique and exemplary performance characteristics of ElectriPlast™ are primarily the result of ElectriPlast’s™ patented and proprietary pellet design that permits it to be blended at a far higher doping percentage than its competition, thus optimizing its performance for any customer’s specific application.

“These results reveal that the mechanical strength and shield effectiveness of ElectriPlast™ is as efficient as metal, thus enabling our customers to switch from Aluminum and other metals to ElectriPlast,”
explained Mr. Zeidan.

What bodes particularly well for Integral’s future business prospects is that, in addition to the already demonstrated major costs savings and weight reduction ElectriPlast™ offers, ElectriPlast™ is now shown by objective and independent results to exceed the specifications of the hundreds of our customers who wish to incorporate ElectriPlast™ into their products. “Moreover, because all the pellets used for molding of the test specimens are manufactured by production tools at Jasper Rubber Inc., our customers will be confident that the manufacturing of their applications is guaranteed to replicate the test performance,” said Mr. Zeidan.

There is more exciting news to follow, says Mr. Zeidan:

“In Q1 we will begin to expand our testing to ultimately publish data for as many as 4 to 6 of Integral’s ElectriPlast™ proprietary materials. This will
cover various material combinations that will target multi-market sectors. Some of our new applications will be industry-firsts.”

These latest developments are the result of adding industry expertise at Integral and jointly working with the Jasper Rubber Inc. manufacturing team to enhance production for ElectriPlast™ commercialization and proceed with advanced R&D projects.

Intellectual Property and Patent Portfolio:

Patents based on our ElectriPlast™ platform continue to be approved by the US Patent office and now number 45. The Company has elected not to appeal those rejected (52), instead incorporating them into subsequent applications in order to better optimize the different uses arising from our base patent. Please visit our web site www.itkg.net for current approved Patents or visit www.usgov.patent.com.

Integral Technologies

Integral Technologies, Inc. (www.itkg.net) is the developer of an innovative electrically conductive resin-based material called “ElectriPlast™,” a highly conductive recipe that can be molded into virtually any shape or dimension associated with the range of plastics, rubbers and other polymers. Our IP consists of ElectriPlast™ and multitudes of different applications pertinent to a wide variety of industries. No assurances can be given that all patent applications will be approved; however, to the extent that patents are not granted, we will continue to attempt to commercialize these technologies without the protection of patents. Various examples of industries where ElectriPlast™ can be used are antennas, shielding, lighting, circuitry, switch actuators, resistors, and medical devices, to name just a few. The company is currently introducing these new products and ElectriPlast™ technology on a global scale.

This press release contains “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of Section 27A of the 1933 Securities Act and Section 21E of the 1934 Securities Exchange Act. Actual results could differ materially, as the result of such factors as (1) competition in the markets for the products and services sold by the company, (2) the ability of the company to execute its plans, and (3) other factors detailed in the company’s public filings with the SEC. By making these forward-looking statements, the Company can give no assurances that the transaction described in this press release will be successfully completed, and undertakes no obligation to update these statements for revisions or changes after the date of this release.

For more detailed information on the company and the technologies described above please visit our web site at www.itkg.net or contact Shareholder Relations at 888-666-8833 or Doug Bathauer, at 812-455-5767 or email at electriplastinfo@aol.com. To review the company’s filings with the SEC, please go to www.sec.gov.

Integral Technologies, Inc.Scott McArthur, 888-666-8833

January 07, 2010

ElectriPlast: Poised to use the YouTube medium...




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EB Publisher

[Quick EB Comment: I've been off on vacation during the New Year break. I thought I would have access to the Internet while away, that just didn't happen. Still, the holidays as a whole were a blessed relief, and losses of the past year were put in a proper perspective -- now here we are, and we find ourselves in the midst of a New Year with a host of New Possibilities... From what I have seen and heard, there is much to look forward to -- the following is an excerpt of a recent E-mail shared with one of your fellow shareholders. Here, with the E-mail already in progress, there are highlights of the things we can come to expect.]

EB Reader --

Trust, your feelings mirror my own at times, but not at the moment.

Recently, the new (soon to be announced) communications director for Integral reached out my direction with a request...

...Communications was one of the aspects he could make things happen with. He was also key in getting Mo involved with Integral, and reestablishing a viable game plan for the company...

With the addition of Mo, came stipulations which granted authority to act on behalf of the company's best interest when dealing with outside agencies...Mo (and "his" team) are allowed to flexibly move forward as needed.

"Doug" -- the new communications director -- is also granted such authority. His tasks are to recapture market confidence through disclosure and transparancy, and he does this in coordination with Mo and his endevors. A number of milestones are being established -- a true webpage is being generated; conference calls are being coordinated, and soon we may see videos highlighting Integral's ElectriPlast exploits. That last is key to the request I was recently contacted for -- Since I own (or owned) the YouTube "ElectriPlast" site, Doug requested to take that over for such a purpose.

Shortly after forwarding this email, I attempted to pass-over my YouTube account. This exchange, unfortunately, fell through due to unintended complications in the transfer (so I in fact continue to own that site). Still, a video sample which might interest those reading (linked below) was later posted at a related "Doug-owned" YouTube site "ElectriPlastInfo"

While that is not proof that any of what I have stated will occur, I am again open-minded enough to wait and see just what could happen--at least for a little while.

I cannot ask you or any others to light the same candle and place it in the window though--we have been here too long and have seen too much for that much blind faith. What I can do is offer my assessment though.

Doug is sincere. He agrees, the company could have been something by now, but also notes that key pieces of the puzzle were not yet in place to make all things great. Mo, and both his contacts and vision of customer service and the way forward for the ElectriPlast material is something we missed. Mo's intention is to establish a relationship with the interested customers (from cradle to grave). If that means that he has to in-bed one of his team within that company to ensure best use and practices take place for the ElectriPlast material's application--then that is the way it will be played, and it will ensure both client confidence, and greater returns as more uses and applications are uncovered. As for marketing as the communication aspect, Doug himself intends to take on that wave. He promises to be more reactive, responsive and most importantly approachable.

Like I said, your feelings mirror my own at times, but not at this particular moment. There is a light at the end of the tunnel...

PK sends...