
Welcome to the world of ElectriPlast!! This Blog is dedicated to open and honest discussion on Integral Technologies & their intellectual property (IP) known as ElectriPlast. Discussions on this Blog include: Historical Perspectives (Integral & its Products); Management Profiles; Patents; Production Issues; Tech Spin-offs; Product Speculations and Time Tables; The Game Plan; Media Relations; Corp Supporters; Shareholder Impressions; & the Latest News.

My Photo
Location: Bavaria, Germany

I am a retired US Government analyst, currently residing in Germany. I am also a shareholder in the company called Integral Technologies (OTCBB: ITKG), and have a desire to enlighten and share its great and still emerging story. I am well read, focused and appreciate challenging interactions which spark creativity and develop enlightenment. That is why I created the ElectriPlast Blog, and the reason I am here.

July 26, 2007

ElectriPlast: Gentlemen, Start Your Engine's...







By: Business Wire
June 25, 2007

[EB Publisher's Note: The news is out, but the immediate question that comes to mind is: "What does it all mean?"

For any interested in the read-between-the-lines, here it comes at'cha--full-force, like drinking from a firehose...

Not only is JARCO just a licensee of ElectriPlast; not only does JARCO serve as Integral's World Wide supplier for ElectriPlast material, but it also houses the SALES FORCE for the ElectriPlast IP. Jasper Rubber is all over this one. They license it........they supply it, (and now with a pricing list in hand),........they sell it too. Yes, I wrote the word SELL.

Ladies and Gentlemen --JARCO has finally been Unleashed!!-- Tighten your seatbelts, because we, my friends, are about to embark on the much vaunted "Go To Market Year!"

Trust me on this, more news will follow... PK, with cheer, sends...]

Integral and Jasper Finalize ElectriPlast™ Production Pricing

BELLINGHAM, Wash., Jul 25, 2007 (BUSINESS WIRE) --

Integral Technologies, Inc. (OTCBB:ITKG) ("Integral"), announces that it has finalized its pricing arrangement with Jasper Rubber Products Inc. ("Jasper") (www.jasperrubber.com) for the manufacture of Integral's proprietary and revolutionary ElectriPlast™ product, the world's first highly conductive polymer for use in antennas, shielding, heating, cooling, circuitry and medical devices to name a few.

The Amendment to the Manufacturing Agreement (November 2006) finalizes the manufacturing costs from Jasper to Integral for the production of the ElectriPlast™ material. The Amendment also provides for Jasper the right to sell ElectriPlast™ to customers. This will be facilitated through Jasper's established sales force of over 30 people throughout North America.

Commenting on this recent development, Doug Mathias, CEO and President of Jasper Rubber, said, "We have spent the last seven months refining the manufacturing process of ElectriPlast™. This has allowed us to present ElectriPlast™ with confidence to several interested companies that have come to visit our facility. With the production process of the ElectriPlast™ material established, we are now in a position to produce and deliver prototypes and production product to customers who have demonstrated needs for ElectriPlast™ and a wide variety of its applications."

Integral's intellectual property consists of 30 US patents, including a patent on its foundation product, ElectriPlast™, and 87 US pending patents on a multitude of different ElectriPlast™ applications.

Jasper Rubber Company

Jasper Rubber, founded in 1949, is a leader in innovative rubber and plastics development. The Jasper facility is comprised of over 330,000 square feet. They manufacture a full range of products for major appliance, oil filter, and automotive industries. Jasper's client base includes Fortune 500 companies.

Integral Technologies

Integral Technologies, Inc. (www.itkg.net) is the developer of an innovative electrically conductive resin-based material called "ElectriPlast™," a highly conductive recipe that can be molded into virtually any shape or dimension associated with the range of plastics, rubbers and other polymers. Our IP consists of ElectriPlast™ and thousands of different applications pertinent to a wide variety of industries. To date, we have had 30 US patents issued, or allowed and pending issuance, and 87 patents pending on ElectriPlast™ applications. Various examples of industries where ElectriPlast™ can be used are antennas, shielding, lighting, circuitry, switch actuators, resistors, and medical devices, to name just a few. The company is currently introducing these new products and ElectriPlast™ technology on a global scale.

This press release contains "forward-looking statements'' within the meaning of Section 27A of the 1933 Securities Act and Section 21E of the 1934 Securities Exchange Act. Actual results could differ materially, as the result of such factors as (1) competition in the markets for the products and services sold by the company, (2) the ability of the company to execute its plans, and (3) other factors detailed in the company's public filings with the SEC. By making these forward-looking statements, the Company can give no assurances that the transaction described in this press release will be successfully completed, and undertakes no obligation to update these statements for revisions or changes after the date of this release.

For more detailed information on the company and the technologies described above please visit our web site at http://www.blogger.com/www.itkg.net or contact Shareholder Relations at 888-666-8833 or The Investor Relations Group, at 212-825-3210. To review the company's filings with the SEC, please go to http://www.blogger.com/www.sec.gov.

SOURCE: Integral Technologies, Inc.

Integral Technologies, Inc. Michael Pound, 888-666-8833

Copyright Business Wire 2007

July 22, 2007

ElectriPlast: DOD Sponsors Innovation Competition

Tapping the Innovative Spirit of

Private Industry

By: PK
ElectriPlast Blog (EB)

[Publisher's Note: Since Integral Technologies already has a head start in the area of thin conductive lightweight composites, why not develop a battery pack and compete for the DOD One Million Dollar Prize?]

DOD's Enticement to the world's Engineers and Inventors

The concept for this editorial came from a fellow ElectriPlast Blog reader from the great state of Arizona. A few days ago, he sent me a question regarding a Department of Defense (DOD) contest he had heard about on CNN. The DOD contest asked for the creation of a new, thin, long-lasting, lightweight battery pack to replace the bulky 40 plus pounds of batteries, rechargers, and power generators carried by ground-based war fighters today to power their various technical/tactical systems -- and the DOD is willing to pay up to a million dollars for this wearable creation.

The DoD says "...typical soldier going out for a four-day mission carries as much as 40 pounds of batteries and rechargers in his pack and it wants to fix that. The goal is to reduce the weight for the power system that drives radios, night-vision devices, global positioning systems and other combat gear, including a recharging system, to about 2 pounds per day. The DoD is looking to mimic the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency which has experienced successes using contests to attract competitors to develop innovative unmanned vehicles and other objects. Now the Defense Research and Engineering Office is hoping to tap into that same competitive spirit to develop longer-duration, lighter-weight power supplies. Three prizes will be awarded in November 2008: $1 million, $500,000 and $250,000."

I was struck by the similarities to a story I wrote a year and a half ago that covered a similar concept based on ElectriPlast advances in the area of battery power.

Supporting Troops with light weight, thin, wearable technology.

To my senses, the DOD contest and ElectriPlast seem like a good fit. Who knows--should Integral choose to accept this challenge--with minor adjustments to a patented ElectriPlast battery by Tom Aisenbrey, Integral Technologies and Jasper Rubber Co. could very well become a lead contender for this wearable noteworthy prize. Taking it a step further, maybe Tom might even be able to create an augmenting device which somehow captures the energy generated by the soldiers normal movements (much like a self-winding watch), using that as a means to recharge the battery.

The Positive side of Winning, or even Meeting the Challenge...

There is the possibility of not only a DOD contract, but the potential that the Energizer Bunny and the other manufacturers might be compelled to visit Jasper!

[EB Editor Vince S. contributed to this article.]

July 03, 2007

ElectriPlast: A Silence Broken...


in the




By Carol Wersich
Evansville Courier & Press
EBJ Magazine, Monday
July 2, 2007

[ElectriPlast Blog (EB) Publisher's Note: The following is a link to the EBJ Magazine, and is featured here in the best interest of those watching the evolution of ElectriPlast, as its marketing potential becomes realized, and to ensure a broad awareness of the Jasper Rubber Company (JARCO) perspective, and impact to come.

That said, I offer my sincere appreciation to both the EBJ Magazine Reporter, Ms. Carol Wersich, and to JARCO CEO, Mr. Doug Matthias, for their time and energy in making this valuable information public.

Also, a word of thanks to the Evansville Courier & Press for focusing on a local community success story that has the eyes and interest of many far beyond their county borders.

A final word of thanks to the EB Reader who initially spied the article and anonymously flagged its presence on the EB's comments board: Great find and good catch. With Cheers & Best Regards to all -- PK sends...]

Jasper Rubber Pins Growth Hopes on New Energy-Saving Resin


Company: Jasper Rubber
Address: 1010 First Ave., Jasper, IN 47546
Contact: Doug Mathias, president and CEO
Phone: (800) 457-7457, ext. 200

One day Doug Mathias, president and chief executive officer of Jasper Rubber Products, read with interest an investment newsletter article about a new electrically conductive resin-based material called ElectriPlast. The material, he learned, weighs 80 percent less than copper and 40 percent less than aluminum, while providing the same electrical properties.

Its light weight and energy-saving qualities make the application especially useful in U.S. military and aerospace programs.

Mathias was impressed that the patented ElectriPlast can be produced automatically as a mold-finished product, unlike metal parts used in conductive applications that have to be machined — a labor-intensive process — and converted to a useable form. The latter process, he said, also involves much waste.

Believing some of Jasper Rubber’s current 600 customers in the automotive, electrical, appliance, filtration and other markets could use the new ElectriPlast, Mathias contacted Thomas Aisenbrey, who developed the material for Integral Technologies Inc. of Bellingham, Wash.

Mathias asked about the possibility of acquiring a license to make the material for Jasper Rubber’s customers. He was told that Integral was looking for a company to pelletize the material as it moved to commercialization of the product.

As his and Aisenbrey’s business relationship grew, Integral officials sought Jasper Rubber as the exclusive manufacturer of the plastic pellets. Realizing the enormous growth opportunities that would present for Jasper Rubber, Mathias signed an agreement to be the sole manufacturer.

“We will get to participate in every pound of ElectriPlast sold in the world,” he said, noting there are nearly 300 potential new customers that Jasper Rubber has identified and provided with non-disclosure agreements since starting the process late last year.

“The response is overwhelmingly positive,” Mathias said, Jasper Rubber is currrently supplying 17 of the new clients, including some in the communications, automotive and heating industries and the military and aerospace.

Mathias said he couldn’t begin to guess how much more Jasper Rubber will grow from the contract, landed by a fluke.

Jasper Rubber hopes to get up to full productioni speed by the end of the year. The company’s work force isn’t expected to grow much beyond its current 700 or so associates because the ElectriPlast pellets manufacturing process is mostly automated. But the company eventually may add additional work shifts and a new manufacturing facility, Mathias said. So far, one of Jasper Rubber’s three manufacturing plants still is adequate, he said.

Jasper Rubber, a 100-percent employee-owned company, offers a full range of rubber, thermoplastic and plastic materials that can be custom compounded to meet individual needs.

It works closely with chemists and engineers in the design stage of their projects.

The company today is a far cry from its humble beginning in 1949, when it was founded by a group of local investors to produce the “Plumber’s Friend” toilet plungers. It eventually distributed the plungers nationwide.

Jasper Rubber hasn’t manufactured the plungers for many years, having moved on to more modern technologies and products, according to Mathias, a 23-year veteran with the company.

EBJ staff writer
464-7452 or wersichc@ebj.biz

July 01, 2007

ElectriPlast: The Roar of Silence!


By Vince S.
ElectriPlast Blog Editor

Silence is Golden?

The clock is ticking. We are at the halfway point of the calendar year—on the threshold of the third quarter of the corporate reporting cycle—and there have been no press releases and few statements from Integral Technologies since mid-February 2007.

So, what else is new, you long suffering shareholders say? Plenty!

By all indications, the communications link between Bellingham and Jasper is as active as a beehive. In fact, while the 1,900 miles between the two cities remain constant, Integral and Jasper Rubber Company (JARCO) are closer and more intertwined than ever. Also, from a business point of view, one could argue that JARCO’s manufacturing, marketing, sales and back office expertise compels much of the activity surrounding ElectriPlast to take place on this side of the Wabash. And while there have been longer periods of official silence, the hush of the past five months comes across more like golden silence, when one looks at what has taken place during the first two quarters of this year. Indeed, EB believes that silence is indeed golden and that much of what is taking place behind the scenes that will be revealed very soon. (Yes, I know you’ve heard that overused adverb” soon” too many times already, but please stay with me.)

Half Full or Half Empty

While the debate continues as to whether Integral Technologies will get its act together and deliver the goods, my natural sense of optimism—backstopped by healthy doses of research and analysis—argues that we are on the cusp of a great adventure. Like the pre-eruption swelling of Mount St. Helens’ lava dome, there are many signs that we are close to an announcement that Integral is ready to stand and deliver.

For example:

· Twenty-six ElectriPlast patents have been issued, five since the start of 2007.

· There are 100 patents pending, indicating that Tom Aisenbrey is working tirelessly to put the company in the best possible position to capitalize on this revolutionary product.

· There was the world-wide ElectriPlast video by Discovery Channel Canada which reached billions of viewers in Canada, Latin America, Europe, Asia and Oceania.

· The core ElectriPlast patent, the family jewels, the mother of all ElectriPlast patents, from which all else will emanate, has been approved by the US Patent and Trademark Office.

· Over 210 ElectriPlast patents have been filed with the European Patent Office covering manufacturing in the metric standard used by much of the rest of the world.

· Non-disclosure agreements are said to exceed 300, with many near production mode.

· The “buzz” is that independent testing goes way beyond our initial expectations.

· Finally, we were offered an inadvertent glimpse of ElectriPlast.Com, arguably the website to showcase the new Integral Technologies.

The Showstopper

In show business, a showstopper is an outstanding performance that causes the show to stop temporarily due to a positive audience reaction such as applause. The “showstopper” for Integral is their relationship with privately-owned JARCO.

Why? Consider this.

JARCO essentially turned the company over to its employees in 2003 when it converted to the current, Employee Stock Ownership Plan. Under ESOP rules, each employee, from the CEO down to the front desk receptionist, owns a piece of the company. Each will prosper according to their stake in the company and their contributions. JARCO is an ISO certified manufacturer who conducted its own performance specifications on ElectriPlast prior to signing on as licensee and manufacturer. Naturally, all 800 employee-owners needed to be convinced that their vote to go with an unknown untested technology wouldn’t jeopardize JARCO’s good name and future. Once the independent third-party confirms JARCO’s initial testing of ElectriPlast, JARCO will be able to put their ISO certification on every ElectriPlast product they make. This will provide the guarantee required by future customers that their products will be made in consistence with their design specifications. And that, fellow shareholders, is a huge deal for Integral and JARCO!

Something else to consider:

JARCO has real time manufacturing expertise; Integral doesn’t. JARCO has superb management, a modern three-plant production facility, highly-skilled and motivated engineers, sales staff, technicians and back office personnel; Integral doesn’t. JARCO has a Fortune 100 client base that relies on JARCO to make ElectriPlast pellets and products according to internationally-accepted specifications; Integral doesn’t.

The first half of the year was characterized by silence. However, given the events that have taken place so far, it is unlikely that the second half will end that way.