ElectriPlast: 100 Days and Counting...

Tempus Fugit
ElectriPlast Blog Publisher
[EB Publisher’s Note: Recently, I received an email from the EB Editor who reminded me that we hadn’t published an article in over 100 days. This will bring us up-to-date!]
Revisiting my last article, “The ElectriPlast Ride: Ups and Downs Included,” I stated that it was time for Integral's CEO to step up to the plate and deliver some news. It has been far too many times that I and others have heard positive statements from Integral's Investor Relations (IR), only to have those statements come to naught. Back in March, many shareholders who were in touch with Integral's IR, Scott MacArthur, were told to watch for a significant “something” that was about to take place (we thought a purchase agreement or something equally important), but definitely “something” of significance.
Well, March winds blew, April showers ushered in May flowers, and June will be history by the time this piece is published, and here we are, still watching the world pass us by, as we sit in "wait-mode."
Now, should I say that this is all Scott's fault—no. As the company's IR mouthpiece, he can only do what he is told. The burden for these false starts really rests on the shoulders of Integral’s CEO, William Robinson. But, does it do any good to wag the finger of blame? Heck, it feels good, but at the end of the day, no good comes of it. We need to begin holding the feet of Integral's CEO and CFO to the fire. 100 days later and where are we? Has anything significant really changed?
Over a hundred days ago, and with well over two score companies looking for the results from ElectriPlast material validation tests before making a commitment to purchase, we still wait to hear about a prospective ElectriPlast purchase. Over a hundred days ago, we expected that the material validation tests (that should have been completed last year), were about to be made public. Over a hundred days ago, we (the shareholders, stakeholders, partnered companies and investors) should have gotten an update from Integral, with a focus on the prospects and targeted milestones to come. Over a hundred days ago, we should have heard a roar from Bellingham, but didn't. In fact, it has been 18 months since the last official statement, a press release, came from the dynamic duo in Bellingham.
And silence sucks, Integral.
A number of noteworthy events have occurred in the business sector during the last 100 or more days. Stimulus money is flowing to industries, communities and people, some relevant to the future of this company. The once dire economic outlook has begun to show signs of improvement, and the global recession is said to be near the bottom and ready to rebound. U.S. Taxpayers have become co-owners of two of the top three U.S. automakers. So, here we are 100 days after the fact, and everything in our world is changing dramatically---except, of course, Integral’s lack of transparency. This compels me to put this simple question to all reading.
What has Bill Robinson, Integral's CEO, or Bill Ince, the company's CFO, actually done?
Where is their report card?
During this past 100 plus days, I didn't just fade off into obscurity. Actually, in addition to my day job, I had to leave the scene for a spell to take part in some work for the Department of Defense. During that time, I also traveled back to CONUS to attend my mother's funeral. In short, while it was far from fun time well spent, I was engaged. Engaged enough to still maintain a commentary with EB readers on the Blog, and to respond to incoming email traffic.
I am sharing this so that it is clear that I am not sitting in my parent's basement, waiting desperately for the next message to cross my screen. I have an extremely busy life, but still I find the time to attend to the business surrounding this investment.
So, once again, I find myself asking the same questions as before. What have Bill Robinson or Bill Ince actually done? It could be that they are rewriting the book on the art of negotiation and the craft of the deal. But, clearly, they haven’t been communicating with us.
All right, I've slammed the Boyz from Bellingham, and vented my discontent at their apparent lack progress, lack of communication, and lack of foresight and perspective. I have said it before: Bill Robinson (BR), your Kung-Fu is not sooo good, but until you are replaced by a real management team, we will have to deal.
So, here we are, 100 days and counting, and what is really happening behind the curtains?
Well, word is (which means rumor more than anything else--remember we have a communications problem at play here) the material testing should be, or is completed at this time, and the results will be, or is being shared with prospective clients. Word also has it that Jasper Rubber Company (JARCO) continues to see ElectriPlast as a revenue multiplier and the way of the future. As a result, the prospect of ElectriPlast cabling may become a market reality sooner than later. ElectriPlast batteries are also an avenue being pursued, along with parts placement in one or more of those car companies in which John Q. Public recently became a joint-owner.
In one of my last commentaries posted a week or so ago, I mentioned that a meeting between BR and Doug Mathias recently took place in Washington state. While the content of that meeting still remains vague, I am lead to believe that issues discussed may surface very shortly. Now, before I fall into the trap set by BR and his IR mouthpiece, let me reiterate that I am speaking solely of my impression based strictly on rumors. Logic would say, speaking now would serve Integral's leadership well. And that is where logic ceases to function (it happens often when the subject of the rumor is "BR" and his possible actions).
And there you have it -- still at 100 days plus, and still in a wait and see mode.
I continue to look to JARCO to pull it all together, and with the flush of stimulus dollars in the niche markets, now would be a great time to introduce an ElectriPlast product to the world.
Fortune favors the bold, and we could use some " bold " by Integral management at this time.
PK sends