ElectriPlast: Thin Gruel or a Prelude to a Banquet?

The Veil
By Vince S.
ElectriPlast Blog (EB) Editor
[EB Editor’s Note: After nearly 17 months without so much as a sneeze from the Boyz in Bellingham, Integral Technologies seems to be on a news binge lately. In less than 45 days, they have issued two interesting press releases, 14 July and 19 August; participated in a Podcast; were the focus of a Spotlight article by Stock Guru; and were featured in a Canadian Plastics article.]
Queue Oliver Twist
The 14 July press release was remarkable in that it broke a long corporate silence, but there was little there that veteran stakeholders hadn’t heard before. In fact, I was reminded of the scene in Oliver Twist when the undernourished Oliver, having finished his small allotment of gruel, said to Mr. Bumble, “Please sir. I want some more.” ITKG shareholders, having waited nearly a year and a half for news from Bellingham, expected and deserved more. But, like Oliver, what we got was thin gruel. Well, not everyone agreed with my ‘thin gruel’ assessment. In fact, one of my correspondents (remember Jay?) found more to like in that press release than I did.
Although not a defender of Integral management, Jay liked the press release. In fact, he feels that it will set the stage for more releases because several things were touched upon with so little detail that future releases would be have to more expansive. After all, he said, “when you haven't put out press in a year and a half, the market can only digest so much at once.” For the first time, in a very long time, Jay said that the CEO “seems to have things put together rather well. I anticipate much more frequent communication than what we have been receiving.”
After a 17 month ‘drought,’ we should expect more frequent communication?
On Target?
Yes. My correspondent was dead on target! One week later, the Investors Relations Group e-mailed me their weekly newsletter, which included a Podcast interview of William Robinson. (A link to the Podcast is posted on EB.) In the interview, Robinson recalled the genesis, evolution and progress of ElectriPlast as it slowly winds its way toward contracts. Among other things, he appeared upbeat when he said that we are ready for commercialization and that things would take off during the second half of 2009. (But, Bill! That’s what you said in 2007, 2008 and the first half of 2009! In fact, if you check your calendar, we are well into the second half of 2009!) So, where’s the beef?
Then, there was speculation about the appointment of a “Detroit group” to represent Integral in the Motor City. After all, ElectriPlast can be used in a wide range of connectors, fuses, wiring, shielding, batteries, cabling and other electronic components that keep Motown’s assembly lines moving. As if in response to the speculation, Integral issued another press release on 19 August hailing the appointment of Mohamad (Mo) Zeidan, formerly the Chief Technical Officer and Director of Hybrid Engineering at Lear. (Lear is the leading global supplier of automotive seating systems, electrical distribution systems and electronics.) As a consultant to Integral, Mo will help integrate ElectriPlast into the automotive parts supply chain. Apparently, he has seen the test results and strongly endorses ElectriPlast. “My research into ElectriPlast’s physical and electrical attributes as substantiated by independent test results demonstrates that ElectriPlast is an extraordinary technology possessing unique qualities.” (I’m beginning to like Mo already!)
So far, my correspondent (Jay) is batting 1,000! Still, another media event occurred on 20 August when Integral was the focus of a Spotlight article by Stock Guru. Some would argue that any equity can “buy” a place in the Spotlight, yet when one looks at the rules for placement in the Spotlight, one has to wonder if this is yet another signal. Be that as it may, it is consistent with the projections of my four-out-of-four correspondent!
And finally, there was the Canadian Plastics article, published on 24 August, about the potential of ElectriPlast to replace many of the heavier components in automobile batteries. Way to go, Jay. That’s five-out-of-five!
So, there you have it. Seventeen months of silence, then BAM, five media events in a row. Are these the news events that will help the market’s digestion, according to Jay? Well, he did call these. Stay tuned, folks.
The Bottom Line
Still, the two most important releases—that will certify that ElectriPlast works—are yet to be made. The independent test results which, to quote one eloquent, but weary Letter to the Blog shareholder, are “the Birth Certificate, the Passport, The Bible,” will be shared with the scores of companies who have prototyped ElectriPlast. These results will validate claims made by Integral regarding conductivity. Based on all accounts, the results will not disappoint.
Secondly, of course, are contracts from the antenna, shielding, battery and wiring companies mentioned in the 14 July press release as well as numerous other companies.
We are not there yet, but, clearly, our ‘thin’ gruel is morphing into something far more palatable than that which the wretched Mr. Bumble served Oliver and his pals in the workhouse.
Bring it on, Mr. Bumble, sorry, Bill!