ElectriPlast: A Catch-up on the Past Month...
A Recap of ElectriPlast
in the News...
By: culled from various sources,
May 18 to June 19, 2015
Through the Fog of War, Comes Light...
The state of things after the last Shareholder Conference Call...Well, my state is that I have a new computer out of the deal. My old Dell bit the dust on the night of the Call, and I have been scrambling to live life through my iPhone. Whether my fingers are too big, or my eyes too small -- either way that life is over as I received my new computer in the post the other day, and while the software is not the same as my old tricked-out system, I am slowly getting back to a semblance of normal again. Enough of my issues -- I promised a recap of what's been going on, and what benefits us as shareholders.
First, some of the key questions I had for the conference call were not raised. I think everyone was pretty much floored by a seemingly shift in goals and direction. After re-listening to the Conference Call again (it took a few times), it sunk in that this shift was not wholly unexpected, and not truly a shift -- and that assessment only came with hindsight and added questions on the matter. While the old (and still current) questions centered on the touted purchase order from Integral Partner "Chang Rim Eng", and the status of BASF's pending partnership -- the post Conference Call questions centered on the funding stream of the proposed Battery venture, and where we as long time shareholder's stood at reaping rewards for both loyalty and investment.
Well answers to the former questions are coming into focus -- apparently learning the lesson of speaking before acting, Mr. Bathauer chose to wait until the answers were ready to present themselves and allow the company's partners to respond in a manner best suiting their company's interests, schedule and timing. As a result, we are now seeing movement regarding Chang Rim Eng & BASF, and the rest of the story will unfurl in good time.
As for the latter question raised after the Conference Call, the one detailing where we as Shareholders stood after the incarnation of this new Battery venture. That answer too is now coming into shape.
In an earlier entry, I made the statement that "there is success written on this investment". That remains true, and putting feelings and emotions aside, all reading this at some level knows this. The company, and its CEO's goals are aligned with the shareholders, and that goal is for ElectriPlast to be a multi-fold industry disruptive success story. All that is needed on your part is to keep asking question, but also, to be patient enough to wait for that success story to unfold. PK sends...
Stories coming to Light over the past month:
...regarding Integral's and Delphi's wire casing. Integral's looks very good...
The latest...on Hanwha is Gene Song's "things are looking positive" regarding Chang Rim and others.
...BASF's in the bag.
East Penn paid Integral for engineering assistance and services rendered.
...Chang Rim falls under Hanwha. Their motor casing is supposedly for a Chinese manufacturer, so...Mr. Feng is associated there.
...Global commercialization falls under BASF, which again, is in the bag.
Bi-polar battery plate’s patents have been filed and a suitable manufacturing partner is being sought. Rumor has it Integral expects monetary payment this year for bi-polar rights and according to Integral's website, they do not anticipate manufacturing bi-polar batteries to take anywhere near 3 years.
All these associations are ongoing and will produce results. Stay tuned.
And now references to the "Latest News" not covered:
DBusiness Daily News article - 19 Jun 15 -- "Canton-based Developer of Conductive Plastic Technology Enters Commercialization Phase, by Adrienne Roberts. [ http://www.dbusiness.com/daily-news/Annual-2015/Canton-based-Developer-of-Conductive-Plastic-Technology-Enters-Commercialization-Phase/ ]
StocksTrade - 16 Jun 15 -- "Integral Technologies Updates on Breakthrough Bipolar Battery", by Matt Rosenberg. [ http://stocksntrade.com/integral-technologies-inc-otcmktsitkg-upates-on-breakthrough-bipolar-battery-6487.html ]
Seeking Alpha - 12 Jun 15 -- "Integral Technologies: Battery Innovation Could lead to New Revenue Streams", by Marla Backer. [ http://seekingalpha.com/article/3255185-integral-technologies-battery-innovation-could-lead-to-new-revenue-streams ]
CrainsDetroit.com - 7 Jun 15 -- "Mergers, acquisitions and new contracts across metro Detroit", by Crain's Detroit Business. [ http://www.crainsdetroit.com/article/20150607/NEWS/306079996/mergers-acquisitions-and-new-contracts-across-metro-detroit ]
PlasticNews.com - 3 Jun 15 -- "Polymer plate can boost lead-acid batteries", by Michael Lauzon. [ http://www.plasticsnews.com/article/20150603/NEWS/150609986/polymer-plate-can-boost-lead-acid-batteries ]
Hot Penny Stocks Finder - 21 May 15 -- "Integral Technologies has a Eureka Moment", by Hot-Stocked [ http://articles.thehotpennystocks.com/integral-technologies-inc-otcmktsitkg-has-a-eureka-moment/ ]
Baystreet.ca - 19 May 15 -- "Integral Technologies Tackles $44 Billion Market with Latest Breakthrough". [ http://ir.baystreet.ca/article.aspx?id=129 ]
ThomasNet.com - 19 May 15 -- "Integral Technologies Announces Breakthrough Bipolar Battery", by Integral Technologies, Inc. [ http://news.thomasnet.com/fullstory/plastic-bipolar-plate-targets-battery-industry-20044678 ]
Yahoo! Message Boards - Integral Technologies Inc. [ https://boardreader.com/site/Yahoo_Message_Boards_Integral_45072.html ]
[ http://finance.yahoo.com/mb/ITKG/ ]