
Welcome to the world of ElectriPlast!! This Blog is dedicated to open and honest discussion on Integral Technologies & their intellectual property (IP) known as ElectriPlast. Discussions on this Blog include: Historical Perspectives (Integral & its Products); Management Profiles; Patents; Production Issues; Tech Spin-offs; Product Speculations and Time Tables; The Game Plan; Media Relations; Corp Supporters; Shareholder Impressions; & the Latest News.

My Photo
Location: Bavaria, Germany

I am a retired US Government analyst, currently residing in Germany. I am also a shareholder in the company called Integral Technologies (OTCBB: ITKG), and have a desire to enlighten and share its great and still emerging story. I am well read, focused and appreciate challenging interactions which spark creativity and develop enlightenment. That is why I created the ElectriPlast Blog, and the reason I am here.

June 18, 2006

ElectriPlast: NPE 2006, International Plastics Showcase

Aisenbrey to

Speak at



ElectriPlast Blog Publisher

Responding to questions by the Blogship

Some of the most frequent questions asked by the ElectriPlast Blogship (EB) are:
  • What is taking place behind the scenes to propel this company forward?
  • When will knowledge of ElectriPlast begin to make its mark on the world?

Although we have excellent sources, we are not privy to all that takes place behind the scenes. However not all due diligence comes from behind-the-scenes sources. For example, we would like to draw your attention to a significant public event in the forefront of the news. If you read EB recently, you may have focused on this event and probably know where this cryptic message is heading.

We are talking about NPE 2006: The International Plastics Showcase, 19-23 June 2006.

Tom Aisenbrey, Chief, Technology Officer (and the inventor of ElectriPlast) will speak at NPE 2006 today, 19 June, between 1445-1545 hours. It will be held in Chicago at the McCormick Place exhibition center. This world famous plastics exposition is held once every three years and is attended by thousands in the plastics industry who are looking for new plastics technologies. This year, more than 75,000 industry professionals, including representatives from Fortune 500 companies, will attend the exposition. They will hear Tom’s presentation, “Molding an Electric Flexible New Frontier,” which will bring worldwide attention to our disruptive ElectriPlast technology and, no doubt, many more inquiries about our intellectual property.

Historically, the NPE has been a hotbed for new developments in the plastics sector and this year's exposition shows no sign of breaking that trend. In fact, circa 2,000 companies are expected to exhibit in more than 1 million square feet of space; one-third of these companies will come from outside the United States.


June 16, 2006

ElectriPlast: The D-Day Connection. Part Two

The results

are in!

By Vince S.
ElectriPlast Blog Editor

Shareholders respond to the clarion call.

We asked if any of the ElectriPlast Blogship (EB) had specific knowledge of an extraordinary “invitation only” public discussion on 6 June 2006 between Integral management and a group of shareholders. Although we had received reports from two attendees, we wanted to hear from others who were there to enable us to compile a report of that Midwestern gathering. Now the results are in and we can report that four additional sources also attended this special session or had information about it from trusted sources; i.e., someone who had first hand knowledge.

After nearly ten years of investing many millions in Integral Technologies, it appears that shareholders are asserting their right to receive more information that could justify their investment. We defer to each shareholder to determine the impact of the following.

The age-old debate: security versus the publics’ need to know!

Before we show what we know, please know that a number of shareholders in widely dispersed localities discussed the merits of sharing this due diligence on this open forum. Valid concerns ranged from revealing Integral's “secrets” to putting the company and the sources at risk of flouting SEC rules. However, operating from the premise that this Q and A session was, indeed, public, and that non-disclosure agreements had not been required of the 35-40 attendees, we finally agreed that, if the results of the 6 June session could be presented in a responsible manner, we would go forward with it!

After all, this was not an NSA data-mining operation, so we didn’t tap the phones at the Q and A venue. Nor did we hover a top secret spy satellite over the site to gather illegal data. And rest assured that no money was slipped under the table to secure what follows. (Okay! We did threaten to kneecap a source or two with a Louisville Slugger to get their consent!) The bottom line is that Integral management was in the area to visit a potential supplier and manufacturer and they decided to meet with regional shareholders. Nice touch. Unfortunately, that was the extent of their outreach, and here we are!

So after all that, what do we know?

It was confirmed (we heard this weeks ago) that Tom Aisenbrey will be a presenter at NPE 2006: The International Plastics Showcase on 19 June 2006 in Chicago. This premier plastics industry event enjoys global participation, but is only held every three years. Tom will speak during the Flexible Film and Packaging segment from 1445 to 1545. His presentation, “Molding an Electric Flexible New Frontier,” will stress the limitations of current materials and how ElectriPlast can impact present manufacturing methodologies. (EB Note: Think Heatron and the recent licensing agreement. NPE participants look for innovation and less costly ways to produce the same quality product while maximizing profit. Is this worldwide exposure or what?)

Messrs. Robinson (BR) and Aisenbrey (TA) stated that an announcement should be forthcoming around the “end of the quarter.” (EB Note: This quarter ends on 30 June. Stay tuned.)

BR and TA said that there should be “four to five” more licensing agreements before the year is out, “two or three” announcements in the next quarter. (EB Note: One source said “one,” the other said “two” of those company’s are Fortune 100 companies who are located in the “Chicago/NY area.” The latest F-100 list reflects the following corporations in those areas: IBM (NY) #10; Boeing (Chicago) #26; Motorola (Schaumburg, near Chicago) #54; and Honeywell International (Morristown, NJ, near NY) #71. Take your pick, folks. Also, Detroit is another locale that has been consistently mentioned, however, Detroit is 238 miles from Chicago. There are also a number of top pharmaceutical companies on the F-100.)

TA handed out small souvenir bags of ElectriPlast pellets. He also included LEXAN and ULTEM samples for review. (EB Note: These two products are trademarked items of GE Plastics, a name we have heard many times. Sources didn't indicate if TA meant to compare our product to these two or suggest that our product could replace them. Look at how LEXAN and ULTEM are used and draw your own conclusions. LEXAN is used to make aircraft canopies, clear plastic containers and bullet-proof glass, among many other items. ULTEM has applications in the medical, electronic, electrical, microwave, automotive and aircraft industries.)

TA gave some very enlightening factoids about ElectriPlast: it is not resin dependent; can be blended with 15,000 different materials, using 27 distinct formulas; conducts electricity (143% better than copper, but is 80% lighter; is 40% lighter than Aluminum, but just as strong; and it can mimic virtually any metal on the planet. It will not replace copper home wiring, but it can replace copper wiring in the aerospace industry. (EB Note: Each Jumbo Jet uses 9,000 pounds of copper at $4 per pound on the current commodities market. Big bucks there, folks.)

Then TA dropped the Richter Scale wrecker. We currently have 109 patents (granted or in process) and there are “easily” 1,500 uses tied to each patent! (EB Note: Math was my worst subject in school, folks, but my trusty calculator tells me that 109 (patents) times 1,500 (uses per patent) equals 163,500 different uses. I don’t make this stuff up folks. I just report it to you! In a previous article, I reported that TA stated that a number “north” of 300 was a good ElectriPlast patent goal. The mind boggles!)

Per BR and TA, Integral has “total” patent protection, and the patents won’t expire until 18 years after issuance.

Finally, BR said Integral now has over 6,000 shareholders.

There is much to consider in reviewing the above due diligence from the 6 June 2006 discussion between Integral management and those 35-40 shareholders. If anyone can add to this body of knowledge, please e-mail (don’t blog) the publisher at electriplast@hotmail.com. We welcome all responsible comments.

Special thanks to the original sources who shared their due diligence with us and who subsequently lifted their reporting reservations.

June 12, 2006

ElectriPlast: The D-Day Connection.

Connections. . .

By Vince S.
ElectriPlast Blog Editor

What is the connection to this famous date in American history and the world’s most disruptive technology?

The mere mention of D-Day, the 6th of June, conjures up memories of that epic event 62-years ago, when Allied troops stormed ashore on the beaches of Normandy to signal the long anticipated liberation of Europe from Nazi tyranny.

On a more contemporary, but less historic, note, the 6th of June could also refer to the Due Diligence that surfaced in an extraordinary “invitation only” public discussion between Integral management and a group of shareholders on 6 June 2006. I am told that nearly forty shareholders were invited to meet Messrs. Robinson and Aisenbrey, who were in-state on business. Moreover, it is my understanding that a Question and Answer session ensued that produced information that validates our investment in this company.

In my optic, when corporate information is shared with stakeholders who have not been required to sign a non-disclosure agreement, that information is, indeed, public and “on the record.” That being the case, what Bill and Tom told the folks in attendance is not subject to Sarbanes-Oxley limitations; it did not constitute "insider" information nor were corporate "secrets" revealed.

Hello? Say you didn’t know about this discussion? Here’s the deal.

Any Blog reader who attended the invitation only Q and A session held by Integral on 6 June 2006 is hereby invited to share their findings with the Blogship. Although there are well over 4,000 knowledge-starved shareholders from Canada, the United States, England and Germany, we have been informed that a statement from corporate will not be forthcoming, so we are relying on you, the Blogship.

We have accounts from several who attended the 6 June Q and A session; however, they are uncomfortable sharing their perspectives with the general public. We respect their opinions and it is policy to protect all ElectriPlast Blog sources who ask for anonymity.

Safety in numbers?

On the other hand, there are a number of reassuring “nuggets” that surfaced during the 6 June session that we would like to share with you, but only if we can do so without compromising the folks in the preceding paragraph.

If you attended this important Q and A session and would like to share your perspective on this milestone event, please e-mail (don’t blog) the editor electriplast@hotmail.com. We will compare your input with the perspectives we already have (to validate your attendance) then we will develop a sanitized article of the 6 June “invitation only” public Q and A session between Integral and the nearly forty shareholders.

June 05, 2006

ElectriPlast: The Consumer Electronics Industry and Beyond?

Does Integral

have legs?

You bet, folks!

Read on.

By Vince S.
ElectriPlast Blog Editor

What does the future hold for this embryonic company? Perhaps crystallomancy will give us a clue!

If we asked the “Great Swami” to gaze into his crystal ball (crystallomancy is telling the future by reading a crystal ball) and give us a prediction on the future of Integral Technologies’ and its intellectual property, ElectriPlast, what would he tell us? Would he say that we have the product, the patents and the people in place to compel the consumer electronics market to take a totally different direction?

Would Swami portend untold wealth for the perceptive few who invested in Integral at the outset--gaining the ten-bagger squared as Tobin Smith so famously gushed--or would he see the kind of financial ruin that compelled many investors to bungee jump (minus the restraining cord) from the upper floors of skyscrapers at the height of the Crash of ’29?

With all due respect to the astrologists, clairvoyants, palm-readers, phrenologists, psychics and seers of this world, we Integral shareholders don’t need them to tell us about the future of Integral Technologies. ‘Mystic messengers’ are fine for folks who believe in them. We, on the other hand, have placed our bets on high technology, not crystallomancy!

Patent office files trump crystallomancy every time!

At his very best, the author has rarely been good at predicting anything! The Lottery? Don’t make me laugh! Good fishing weather? Try tsunami-sized waves! Best timing for requesting a raise? Forget about it! Still, there is one area in which this amateur auger has had a degree of success in divining the probability of Integral Technologies’ future marketplace success.

Buried in the files of the US and European Patent Offices are patent registrations that are far superior barometers than the mystical musings of crystal ball readers. As an example, the European Patent Office’s worldwide database http://ep.espacenet.com listed some 153 results when inventor (Thomas Aisenbrey) or applicant (Integral Technologies) were searched.

Inexplicably, some of these patent registrations are duplicates and the number doesn’t square with the numbers given in the latest Integral PR. Be that as it may, I am not as impressed with the number of patent registered as I am with the contents of the patent descriptions and their worldwide implications.

A cursory analysis of Integral’s patents on EURPO reveal applications that cut a broad swath across many consumer and industrial segments. Clearly, the ‘Great Swami’ and his ‘magic’ crystal ball would have been hard pressed to come up with a better set of indicators to predict the success of Integral Technologies.

And the envelope, please . . . !

A quick perusal of Integral Technologies’ patents on EURPO revealed an amazingly diverse world for our ElectriPlast intellectual property. A few of the areas in which we have filed patents are:

  1. detectable pipe and electric fencing;
  2. electrical power connections for railway (and subway) systems;
  3. aircraft structures and avionics;
  4. vehicle body chassis, braking and fuel cell systems;
  5. heating elements for cooking appliances;
  6. toys and toy components, i.e., motors, antennas, transformers, etc.;
  7. food processing, preparation, and handling devices;
  8. magnetic braking devices for amusement park rides, mass transportation, etc.

Tom Aisenbrey, the ‘Wizard of Bellingham,’ once stated that a good number of ElectriPlast patents would be north of 300. According to the latest press release, he is only a third of the way through the discovery process and already the breadth of ElectriPlast applications is staggering.

Assuming the role of the ‘Great Swami,’ I predict that the number of ElectriPlast product areas will double the current projection of 300. This will be accomplished when the consumer electronics and other industries discover other uses for this disruptive material.

According to Tobin Smith, “Every patent allowed on an application of ElectriPlast represents a potential new licensing opportunity. As ITKG expands its intellectual property portfolio, new partnering agreements -- the key to corporate growth -- will likely take shape.” No wonder he licked his chops and salivated so vigorously as he did the math in his March 9, 2006 ChangeWave piece entitled, Molding a Winner.

Put another way, if each patent represents a ship to be docked, unloaded and integrated into the American marketplace, the line of ElectriPlast ships waiting to be admitted to, say the port of Los Angeles, would stretch nearly to Hawaii.

By now, I hope you have given the ‘Great Swami’ the boot in favor of the ‘Wizard of Bellingham,’ because the bottom line here is quite apparent. This company is facing a long and prosperous future and has the ability to go way beyond the consumer electronics industry.