ElectriPlast - The Visionary's View

Calm Passions &
Instant Success
ElectriPlast Blog Publisher
The following is in response to an inquiry from an ElectriPlast Blogship (EB) reader regarding the events timetable, and certainty surrounding the capabilities of the ElectriPlast material...
The public word from the company is that 2006 is the go-to-market year, and that next year we should see clear proof of that happening.
The reality is, snippets of these events have happened, and continue to occur. There is:
- The recent NPE Conference Invitation;
- The Heatron contract, and
- The various additional analysts coming on board.
Just as one sees storm clouds, hears thunder and sees the lightening, one can also make the supposition that they will give way to rain. So it is with "proof of things happening" and the aforementioned "public word from the company" on things giving way to a prosperous 2007.
First -- resolve all pending legal actions -- if you review the news from the past two years, you will find that that is what was occurring. Whether there was a possibility that someone could lay legal claims against Integral, or there were patent concerns, in-house issues and the like that needed to be addressed and resolved before the company could consider moving forward. To the best of my knowledge, all past legal issues have been resolved--Preston, Gates & Ellis LLP has built a virtual fortress around Integral's ElectriPlast IP. In essence, they are taking care of, and will continue to address and defend against any present and future issues involving ElectrPlast.
Second -- resolve the supply-chain issues -- wherever you look, you get the sense that the company principals have been traveling. More, they have been making inroads on the supply chain issues: manufacturing, legal, patents, marketing, and networking-in-general. QuanStar and a number of other agreements support that game plan.
Third -- build a solid financial footing as we go to market -- the proxy vote centers as the most recent initiative on that front. Then there are the noted plans to move beyond the OTCBB to a more stable, orderly market--one where the market makers agenda does not curry so vast an influence over the daily price per share movement.
Fourth -- closing some of the long established licensing agreements -- some companies have been test bedding ElectriPlast materials for something like 4 years now. One might ask--if they have had the material for so long, why is there not a product on the streets. The answer, it is for the same reason that NASA doesn't launch prototype rockets for actual space missions. According to reports from the 6 June 2006 meeting in Jasper, Bill Robinson and Tom Aisenbrey noted that some of these companies are well known Fortune 100/500 entities. Once the names of any of these companies are associated to the ElectriPlast product--well, that will:
- Satisfy the question of garnering attention,
- Justify the reasons for taking Integral beyond the OTCBB, and
- Most importantly, put ITKG's stock on the map.
Even still, no one can truly predict the market, or the times surrounding the emergence of a new product. It's like predicting that the "Pet Rock" would take off as it did. No one in his or her right mind at the time would have guessed.
The best advice I can offer to those who are clamoring for something to happen is sit back and enjoy the ride. Either you have a sense that this is a real thing, or you don't. My Blog is presented in a fashion to give you a peek at what is possible, but this is an investment fraught with pitfalls and controversy. Let's call "it" what "it" really is, it's an OTCBB Penny Stock. Yes, we are talking a product under a stock system, which is considered by all reasonable parties as a venture that is as speculative as hell--speculative, and just as potentially rewarding.
What is going to happen will happen, whether you want it to occur faster, or in a different sequence. The four items I listed above scratch at the surface of the things that have taken place behind the scenes and bought us to this point here and now. Because I realize the history associated, I can afford to take a longer view -- the best advice I can offer after that is to let you in on the real secret.
"You have to have a vision as to what is possible when it comes to conductive plastics."
If you have read my Blog, then you have a clue, but the following video link--also in the Blog--should help to calm your passions for instant success, and at the same time, offer a glimmering vision of the future.
Cheers and best,
PK sends...