ElectriPlast: Of Rumors and Whispers

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“A rumor goes in one ear and out many mouths.”
Chinese proverb
This proverb is an appropriate launch pad for me to dish about the lack of news from Bellingham. It wasn’t too many months ago that the now famous joint press release implied that 2008 would be a very productive year that would "lead us to commercial success." Well, based on the official news so far--two puny press releases--we suggest changing the Chinese Astrological Calendar to include "The Year of the Snail."
Put another way, we get more vibes out of the four stone presidents on Mount Rushmore than we get out of Bellingham. Even so, the grapevine is abuzz with rumors and whispers about possible deals.
Rumors and Whispers
To be sure, friends, these are confusing times compared to years past. Since the announcement of our ElectriPlast technology some five years ago, Integral has kept its shareholders informed with an average of five press releases a year, the rare CEO update and occasional articles about the virtues of ElectriPlast. As modest as Bellingham’s communications output was, at least we had some indication as to where we were heading, if we were going according to the compass and whether we were on the cusp of great things.
What's different this year? Simply put, it’s the lack of news from Bellingham! With most of the second quarter of our “commercialization year” behind us, the Boyz in Bellingham haven’t seen fit to tell us what’s happening. After all, transparency is a keystone of good governance, corporate responsibility, and accountability, so says Sarbanes-Oxley. But as far as we, the shareholders (owners, really) of Integral are concerned, they must have acquired a copy of Harry Potter’s Cloak of Invisibility! They are nowhere to be seen or heard. To be sure, the first shareholders meeting will be interesting because many of us are annoyed due to the protracted periods of silence by management.
And we’re not expecting the family jewels or inside information! Numerous microcaps show respect for their investors by communicating with them on a regular basis, however trivial that shared word might be. Integral could publish a CEO update containing general information; it could send the articles it releases to the media to shareholders with a brief note; it could discuss the status of the long exposed ElectriPlast.Com web site. There are other non-proprietary issues that could be included, but they don’t even inform us when new patents are received. How bad is that?
So, What are they Buzzing About?
While the foregoing are issues we would like addressed by our CEO, Bill Robinson, we realize that much cannot be discussed due to proprietary relationships, first-to-market issues and the competitive nature of the various industries with whom we are partnered. Be that as it may, rumors are rampant in Integral shareholder circles as well as in the ElectriPlast Blog readership, all of which counts for hundreds of shareholders and/or interested parties around the world. Here is what they are buzzing about:
-- Many business relationships, not all at the deal stage, are very close to fruition.
-- Some of these “near” deals are MAJOR in scope. How major? JARCO can crank out 50,000 pounds of ElectriPlast per month, but scuttlebutt claims capacity can be increased by several factors--and this may well be needed to meet all of the rumored demands.
-- Many of the interested companies are said to be pillars in their respective industries, including Fortune 500 entities.
-- ElectriPlast is said to have left a lasting impression on many former skeptics who didn’t think “plastic” could conduct electricity. Now, it is no longer a question of if it can conduct electricity, but to what other operational applications can they apply it to.
-- The cost of raw commodity metals is having an impact on availability and pricing. (See ElectriPlast: A Limited Supply of Copper in a Demanding World.) EB Editor Vince has detailed this aspect numerous times in the past -- he's right on all counts. As the cost of these metals rise, the attractiveness of ElectriPlast will increase many fold.
-- Some time ago, ChangeWave predicted the path ElectriPlast would take as the impact of its entry into the marketplace attracted attention. Those predictions may soon become reality and shareholders will be in for a fast, fun filled ride.
And there you have it folks! Our stock price is low, but our expectations are high; this company will make it sooner than later. One might look at the lack of news and argue that Integral’s reluctance to share information is due to previously raised false hopes. (Remember Knowles?) Also, that a measured approach would better serve all concerned. On the other hand, we shareholders are also stakeholders and behind the scenes risk-takers who have a right to know where we stand. However, whatever the prevailing view, the dice are in Mr. Robinson's hands, and the knowing rumors whisper that no matter how the dice roll, high or low, we shareholders are destined to win.
Now, to answer the question I raised in the sub-title. Are we really closer to commercialization? Absolutely! In fact, as I listen to the rumors and whispers coming in to the ElectriPlast Blog desk, I am convinced that we are much closer to commercialization than ever.
So where does that leave us??? Come on, Bill. The ‘natives’ are getting restless!
Stay tuned…
PK sends….
[ElectriPlast Blog Editor Vince contributed to this article.]