
Welcome to the world of ElectriPlast!! This Blog is dedicated to open and honest discussion on Integral Technologies & their intellectual property (IP) known as ElectriPlast. Discussions on this Blog include: Historical Perspectives (Integral & its Products); Management Profiles; Patents; Production Issues; Tech Spin-offs; Product Speculations and Time Tables; The Game Plan; Media Relations; Corp Supporters; Shareholder Impressions; & the Latest News.

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Location: Bavaria, Germany

I am a retired US Government analyst, currently residing in Germany. I am also a shareholder in the company called Integral Technologies (OTCBB: ITKG), and have a desire to enlighten and share its great and still emerging story. I am well read, focused and appreciate challenging interactions which spark creativity and develop enlightenment. That is why I created the ElectriPlast Blog, and the reason I am here.

May 30, 2008

ElectriPlast: A Shareholders Open Letter...




are Calling...

By An ITKG Shareholder
29 May 2008

Publisher's Note: Below is a letter from one of your fellow shareholders, presented (with permission) as an Open Letter to the management of Integral Technologies in Bellingham, Washington. This passage is the continued interaction from the comments page, at the bottom of the last article posted (linked here).

If you sense a similar chord of truth in the words of this shareholder, then by all means, feel free to allow your voices to resonate in unison as you reach out to, and demand better from the company that has lagged in its responsibilities to you. The same company that you, as an investor, have a valid stakeholder ownership in. PK sends...

I agree with you a 1000% PK.

We the shareholders are basically ignored and often treated like garbage. Why?? We are the people helping to pay everybody's salary and bonus day in and day out year after year after year. We believe and support TA's dream. That is why we are here, Tom's dream. That is the reason I first became involved.

Many of us have supported this revolutionary technological creation for many, many, years with most of those years spent in a dark communication-less oblivion. Why?? We are not the bashers and day traders, we are the believers. We are the supporters. We buy the shares on the open markets and are not privy to the 1/2 price Private Placements. We are the real shareholders. The believers. Day after day after day.

Why is there no energy, warmth, and excitement surrounding this company? Why is there not a brilliant hi tech ElectriPlast.com website, up and functioning to enlighten the world? One filled with pictures and possible EP uses with all of the electricity and excitement that a technology like this possesses? We know that there is an ElectriPlast.com. Why is it not open to the world?

I was promised over a year ago, by IR, that the Discovery Channel piece would be on the current website to be shared with the world. Why is it not there??

A year ago we were all promised that 3rd party testing results would be announced. Where are they? Why doesn't the world know just how great these various formulations conduct electricity? We don't desire to know the secret formulations. We just want the world to know how revolutionary this stuff is. Why must one sign an NDA in order to receive the stats of how the EP conducts using copper or aluminum or how it conducts heat or RF signals, or WiFi, etc.

We're the shareholders, we're the believers, we would like to know the various stats and if they truly are what I believe them to be, then why can't the entire world know??

How would such positive news negatively affect the presentation to prospective clients of EP? How would sharing great product statistics harm this company or it's IP?

Wouldn't such positive stats create a tidal wave of excitement??

During the last year and a half our share price has gone from $4.00 to $.70 yet many of us are still here because of TA's dream and the true possibilities of just what a compound like this could do for the world. Personally, I'm still here because of the whole-hearted involvement of Jasper Rubber. This company's total involvement is the thread of hope for me. Yet we are shareholders of ITKG and it is the fiduciary responsibility of ITKG, not Jasper, to keep us informed and to answer some of our questions. We just want to continue to believe, to support, and to play a teeny tiny part in the ElectriPlast story. I have invested a lot of money (and angst) in Tom's dream and rather then feel a part of something big and revolutionary I feel cold, distant, and a part of nothing.

I fear that our next official press release will be announcing another dilution of shares in the form of another Private Placement (of which most all of us LL's will not be asked to participate in).


May 27, 2008

ElectriPlast: Lighter, Friendlier Skies




By Aerospace Manufacturing
and Design; and
By AirMaintenance Update

Publisher's Note: The following article was a find highlighted by a couple of your fellow EB Readers. The original articles can be seen at: http://www.onlineamd.com/news.cfm?id=657; and http://amumagazine.com/link%20pages/daily%20update.html. Unfortunately, the article has no date reference, but it does offer a bit of new insight all the same, so enjoy the read, PK sends...

Lightening The Load of the Friendly Skies

If you've flown recently you've probably noticed that airlines are doing everything possible to lighten the load in an effort to use less fuel. But could the key to reducing aviation industry fuel costs lie with lighter planes themselves?

While historically fuel expense has ranged from 10 to 15% of U.S. passenger airline operating costs, according to the Air Transport Association it is currently running between 30 and 50%. With the skyrocketing price of fuel, and no decreases on the horizon, airlines have begun taken steps to lighten freight load. These measures include removing flight phones, ovens, and more, steps that go well beyond streamlined meals and beverage cart services.

A possible long-term solution may be to dramatically re-engineer aircrafts with the latest in design technologies, advances that utilize only the smallest and lightest materials. Bellingham-based Integral Technologies may have discovered what will someday be thought of an epochal building block for the transportation industry.

The company has developed a moldable conductive plastic, named ElectriPlast™, a polymer blend that can be used to conduct electricity or as an antenna and is, on average 20% lighter than copper. Examples where this plastic advance could be used include cable and wiring--which currently account for miles in length, and tons of pounds in mammoth transportation structures--thus allowing for significant weight savings.

The idea seems simple: free designers from the constraints that have previously hindered them by providing an able alternative to metals. "ElectriPlast™ does what no plastic has done before, it can carry electrical currents as capably as copper," explains Thomas Aisnebrey, Inventor and General Manager for the company. "The material consists of small pellets of plastic-wrapped metal fibers that, when poured into a hot molding machine and shaped, may help streamline production of all electronics."

After spending years perfecting hundreds of formulations and blends of the material, Integral is actively showcasing ElectriPlast™ to various industries.

There are more than 118 patents filed around the product and its use. Along with their official manufacturing partner, Jasper Rubber Products, Integral is currently working to apply their innovations toward the creation of antennas, apparel, appliances, audio & visual devices, automotive products, batteries, cables, computers, electrical and heating systems, and more.

"This vast family of highly conductive polymers can be molded into virtually any shape or dimension that any other plastic, rubber, or other polymer can be molded into," explains Integral CEO William Robinson. "With the adoption of ElectiPlast™ into the R&D cycle, manufacturers will be able to seriously lighten their load."

For more information visit www.itkg.net.

May 12, 2008

ElectriPlast: A Limited Supply of Copper for a Demanding World


the Case



By Vince S.
ElectriPlast Blog Editor

[Blognote: Copper, the second most conductive metal (after silver), was featured in a number of recent articles related to copper’s increasing demand and its soaring price. One article predicted a world shortage of copper in the next two decades; another explored the extensive use of copper in automotives, electrical generation, motors and other conveniences; yet another pointed to the soaring economies in emerging markets and their demand for electricity as a factor in the depletion of copper. Clearly, ElectriPlast cannot replace the worldwide demand for copper; however, given our array of patents and the timely appearance of these articles, ElectriPlast appears to be at the juncture of a ‘perfect storm’ of opportunity.]

Moving Up on the Commodities Market!

Commodities (oil, copper, gold, silver, et al.) play such a critical role in commerce that it is impossible to understate their importance. While new oil fields are being discovered in the Gulf of Mexico, Baja California, off the coast of Brazil and in other parts of the world, it is rare when new copper deposits of significance are discovered. Due to high demand in rapidly expanding nations like Brazil, Russia, India, and China (the BRIC economies according to Goldman Sachs), copper, is being consumed at an alarming rate.

China, the largest consumer of copper, used about 9 billion pounds in 2007, a 9% increase over 2006. Moreover, according to Morgan Stanley, the Middle Kingdom will spend about $350 billion to expand its electrical capacity in the next two years. That will place an additional demand on copper reserves, and we all know the economics of the supply and demand theory. The price of copper has soared 400% since 2003. Worst yet, commodity traders expect the price of copper to reach $8 to $10 per pound in the next decade, reflecting a premium on availability. And don’t forget about the infrastructure needs (power, transportation, telecommunications, water, etc.) of the BRIC economies. They will need copper, copper and more copper. Yet copper reserves are not unlimited. To the contrary, studies suggest that there are not enough reserves to meet even today’s demands beyond the next several decades. Also, recycling isn’t the answer because copper for electrical and electronic uses dominate the US market, but fully 26% of copper products are lost in landfills!

So despite sizeable reserves in US and Chilean deposits, are we just decades away from the end of the 10,000 year old copper “boom”?

What Does this Have to Do With ElectriPlast?

Clearly, ElectriPlast can not reverse the depletion of copper reserves on the planet, nor can it replace many uses for copper; however, as a less expensive conductor of electrical current, ElectriPlast just might extend the life of this amazing metal by serving as a potent substitute for many applications including the following.

--The average new home in America consumes 400 pounds of copper.
--Each new conventional automobile uses about 50 pounds of copper; hybrids like the Ford Escape use close to 250 pounds of copper.
-- Boeing uses 9,000 pounds of copper in each Jumbo Jet; lesser amounts in smaller jets.
--A locomotive engine uses about 16,000 pounds of copper.
--New power grids (think BRIC) require millions of yards of electrical cables.

Extrapolated worldwide, these numbers are even more astounding. It is here at the intersection of supply, demand and expediency that ElectriPlast will make a difference. The automotive sector, for instance, is ready for ElectriPlast.


It’s in the numbers!

What Numbers?

There are over one billion people in the world who earn enough to be able to afford a car or light truck. They currently drive, curse, crash and buy the 700 million cars on the world’s highways, cloverleaf’s, beltways, secondary thoroughfares, paved roads and bumpy, potholed trails. Moreover, if Tata Motors of India delivers on its promise of a $2500 four-passenger car, automotives on the world’s thoroughfares will increase dramatically as will the squeeze on fuel, the environment, the quality of life and the planet’s resources. Some experts expect India to overtake the US as the world's largest car market by 2038; China will do so ten years sooner). But as the BRIC nations go, so will the demand on copper as well as the energy required to producing the components that go into an automotive conveyance.

Given this scenario, why wouldn’t companies like Ford, GM and Chrysler want to get out in front of these daunting issues by reducing their hybrid load of 250 pounds of copper by using a conductive plastic like ElectriPlast? It makes sense anyway you look at it. Copper is expensive and getting more so each year. It is a major product in a legacy locomotion system that, for environmental and other reasons, is ready to be replaced.

Whether it is the automotive industry, the power generation sector or any of the other numerous industries in which Integral Technologies has patents, this company is situated to make the most their technology.

The Last Line on the Ledger

Wire harnesses, battery plates, battery cables, audio wire or power grid cable wire, rugged laptops or any other application, we are truly at a juncture of an opportunity. Many companies are interested in this technology and that will become apparent shortly.

Shareholders are advised to use their conscience to determine if they have the ability to hang tough on this unique opportunity.