ElectriPlast: A Steady Stream of News

A Steady
of News
By Vince S.
ElectriPlast Blog Editor
[Editor’s Note: Like many institutions, the staff of the ElectriPlast Blog has taken consecutive vacations during the month of August, which has interrupted coverage of all things ElectriPlast. First, the Editor spent time at the beach; then the Publisher took time off for a fortnight, as they say on the continent. Not to worry, intrepid spirits! Even with our delayed publications schedule, we remain vigilant in case Bellingham decides to make the announcement we’ve all been waiting to hear. Can you spell “Purchase Orders?”]
Blast from the Past: The Dam Busters
Several weeks ago, I watched a film on the History Channel called The Dam Busters, the story of Royal Air Force Bomber Command’s 617 Squadron. They are the famed RAF unit who, flying Lancaster Bombers, destroyed the mighty Möhne, Sorpe and Eder dams that produced power for the Ruhr valley in World War II.
One of the heroes, Barnes Wallis, a civilian engineer, developed a bouncing bomb that, when dropped at exactly sixty feet, skipped across the water, thudded into the back side of the dams, and sank to a fixed depth before exploding. While shock waves from the submarine blast caused hairline cracks to the interior of the dam, pressure from millions of gallons of water buckled the exterior wall. What started as a trickle became a steady stream of water that turned into a raging torrent when the dams collapsed. The massive concrete barriers sent a wall of water roaring down the Ruhr valley to flood factories, railheads and other high value targets. The brilliance of the strategy was that one cleverly crafted weapon used in just the right place slowed the enemy war effort and gave the Allies an advantage that shortened the war.
And what does this have to do with Integral Technologies? Actually, there are several analogies in the Dam Busters’ story.
Expectations of a Steady Stream of News
The quiet period at Integral Technologies--defined by the last six months--surfaced a number of pent up newsworthy events that previously would have warranted press releases. Integral’s pent up news is reminiscent of the dams whose concrete sentinels checked the waters of the mighty Ruhr. Playing the role of central casting, let’s put Tom Aisenbrey in the role of Barns Wallis, after all, both are inventors of note. Then, for the sake of analogy, let’s call the last two press releases the bouncing bomb.
Now then, when Integral and Jasper announced that they had finalized a pricing schedule, conventional wisdom held that a steady stream of news would ensue. After all, this is the year after the famous “go-to-market-year” statement. Naturally, the level of expectation—particularly if you have held these shares for a few years—is extremely high.
And that Steady Stream of News?
Consider these unheralded items:
· Six additional ElectriPlast patents have been issued. We don’t know anything about these patents, but we do know that, in former times, each patent would have been announced by “Ruffles and Flourishes” and a press release.
· Operational and logistical responsibility has shifted to our partners at JARCO with respect to ElectriPlast marketing, sales, manufacturing, distribution, billing and back office administrative matters.
· There have been whispers of restructuring to include a Board of Directors and, presumably, a governance committee to comply with rules for entry to the NASDAQ or another higher index. That, of course, would depend on purchase orders raising the price per share high enough and long enough to satisfy NASDAQ or AMEX entry requirements.
· Recently, the “tent flap” was inadvertently lifted to reveal ElectriPlast.com, a new website. This fueled speculation that a name change and/or other significant changes, might be in the works. For example, a name change to ElectriPlast, Inc. will have more of a branding effect on our products than Integral Technologies, Inc. Also, a name change or a switch to a different index could also trigger a new ticker symbol. How does ELECP, ELPLA, EPLAS, EPST, or whatever, grab you? (EB Readers: Let us know what you think or suggest a symbol of your own.)
· Then, there is the perennial favorite: Third Party Test Results! Actually, a substantial contract with five or better zeroes after the cardinal number will trump TPTR any day of the week!
Apres moi, le deluge?
An ElectriPlast Blog reader, a source whose unerring analysis and disposition toward Integral has encouraged many to stay the course, provided an analysis of Doug Mathias’ comments in the recent press release about the pricing schedule. This additional impetus adds to my theory that news is stacked up and ready to be released.
There are “...several interesting comments in here, but one of the most interesting is: ‘Jasper Rubber Products Inc. is rapidly developing manufacturing capacity to meet the anticipated market for its ElectriPlast molding material.’
Our EB reader continues, “As a manufacturing planner, this speaks volumes to me. Jasper is spending more capital to further develop a production line that may not meet the needs they originally anticipated. The CEO Mathias has already said that the production line is ready to go, ready to produce. In light of the quote above, I would hazard an assumption that Jasper actually anticipates more than what Mathias has already said that they have the capacity to do. And this is driving Jasper to invest even more money to expanding their capacity, even though they haven't yet turned a single dollar.”
“If this assumption is true, and Jasper continues to pour capital into expanding their capacity to meet the "anticipated" demand, then it would be a pretty safe assumption there must be very positive things looming on the horizon.
“Jasper has already invested six to seven figures in man-hours and capital investments to develop the current production line, and set a pricing schedule. Now indicators hint that they are ramping up their capacity even over what they currently have, indicating they anticipate a faster ramp up to the market than originally predicted. It all looks good to me.”
Will it be a steady stream or a flood of news? Even though the clock is ticking on this go-to-market year, it seems we will hear more from ElectriPlast, Inc.,--sorry--Integral Technologies, before the end of this year.
So there you have it, readers! There is enough pent up news to warrant a raid from the Dam Busters! Bring it on Bellingham!