
Welcome to the world of ElectriPlast!! This Blog is dedicated to open and honest discussion on Integral Technologies & their intellectual property (IP) known as ElectriPlast. Discussions on this Blog include: Historical Perspectives (Integral & its Products); Management Profiles; Patents; Production Issues; Tech Spin-offs; Product Speculations and Time Tables; The Game Plan; Media Relations; Corp Supporters; Shareholder Impressions; & the Latest News.

My Photo
Location: Bavaria, Germany

I am a retired US Government analyst, currently residing in Germany. I am also a shareholder in the company called Integral Technologies (OTCBB: ITKG), and have a desire to enlighten and share its great and still emerging story. I am well read, focused and appreciate challenging interactions which spark creativity and develop enlightenment. That is why I created the ElectriPlast Blog, and the reason I am here.

July 29, 2006

ElectriPlast: Another Discussion Resource at the Investors Hub



at iHub

ElectriPlast Blog Publisher

Hello from sunny Bavaria,

A recent ITKG shareholder and ElectriPlast Blogship (EB) reader passed along an email with a link to the Investors Hub, commonly known as "iHub".

Granted, most EB readers have been exposed to many of the issues raise on the iHub, but it is another resource for you, and it gives you a different perspective as to what folks are thinking about Integral Technologies.

As this new shareholder and EB reader noted, iHub gave him a different view of the "golden nugget" that is his investment.

That said, I would encourage you to take a look at the Investors Hub site.

It has the makings of a decent community where like-minded souls can gather to talk about Integral Technologies and the path they intend to take with their ElectriPlast IP.

But beware, as is the case with any neighborhood, a few undesirable characters reside there. The iHub moderator polices the forum, but allows for honest discussion and positive interaction between individuals.

Here is the link.


Enjoy, and if you think the content and discussion are worth while, please feel free to share word of its presence with others invested or merely looking.

PK sends...

July 20, 2006

ElectriPlast – The Market Cap Potential…

How High

Will it Go???

ElectriPlast Blog Publisher

[ElectriPlast Blog Publisher's Note: In Response to a ElectriPlast Blogship (EB) Readers Question. I would like to submit the following for the EB audience to consider -- PK sends...]

What Market Cap should this stock have?

In regards to the Market Cap associated to this company's [ Integral Technologies (OTCBB: ITKG) ] stock -- I have heard, via email from other Blog readers who shared some of Mr. Tobin Smith's comments, that he sees vast potential here, and I believe he keeps referring to it as a 10-bagger.

Personally, I do not know for certain. The conductive materials market for ElectriPlast, the intellectual property (IP) in question, is largely unexplored (or rather, limited forays have been made in the past, but none successful due to the poor quality materials used at the time).

The company behind ElectriPlast has three things going for it at this point.

  • Interest -- the prospects of ElectriPlast has the potential of touching every manufacturing product, and to that extent, the capabilities are limitless.

Once the first sale is made, and the product hits the streets, its viability and value will be proven. From that point on, we are dealing with a real, touchable, working, material--and that could catapult the market value considerably.

Think on it this way. People invested here are like venture capitalists. Granted it is not the exact same, but this is a penny stock, and these shareholders are investing now into a dream, sight unseen--which if it works, has the potential of multiplying their fortunes dramatically...

  • Patents -- the company has learned from its past mistakes, and now trusts in garnering the required patents before moving their product beyond the realm of their control. This is one prime reason behind the slow development and marketing of this ElectriPlast material. The short of it is they were not well protected.

Within the next year, approximately 90 patents will become approved, with more being applied for to supplement the growing number of prospective uses of the material. One story, not well known, deals with a time, maybe 3 or 4 years ago, when DuPont had taken Integral under its wing with promises to bankroll further development of their IP material.

Tom Aisenbrey, smartly, did not share the secrets behind the creation of the ElectriPlast material--even though DuPont offered space in their labs for him to continue his work.

It was discovered (rumor has it, by some patent researching Integral shareholders) that DuPont was quietly submitting patent applications for materials with similar properties/abilities to that of Integral's ElectriPlast.

Rumor once again has it that Ellis, Preston & Gates stepped in and confronted DuPont. The working relationship was severed, though you cannot walk totally away from an established market leader. Still Integral left with their IP intact.

Now, DuPont, realizing the missed opportunity--and moreover, possibly the future potential involved, is attempting to play nice.

At least that is how I read the situation. Suffice it to note, patents are the key to this company's fortunes, and future success.

  • Finally, the Need -- On the Blog, we have discussed the need of such a flexible & diverse material. As a matter of fact, almost 80% of this Blog's features detail issues of present or future need, and the technology enhancements associated.

This is not a limited wonder like fiber-optics. ElectriPlast, in all its incarnations, has the potential of changing technology as we understand and view it today.

A number of companies realize this and have been quietly working with/test-bedding samples of ElectriPlast materials.

My sense, its integration into our society will be something like that of the cell phone. Once they were the exception, now they are the rule. Try to find a payphone these days, you will catch my meaning.

Mr. Tobin Smith referred this to a 10 bagger. In an effort to not hype the potential, or the validity of his assessment, I have a sense that once ElectriPlast hits the streets and becomes a tangible issue, it could have the momentum of a Starbucks, Microsoft or the like. Only then will the potential become truly realized. For now, take the 10 bagger statement for what it is worth.

July 16, 2006

ElectriPlast: A podcast Interview with ITKG . . .

An Interview

worth taking

the time to

listen to.

ElectriPlast Blog Publisher

[ElectriPlast Blog Publisher's note: The interview linked is a propriety right of Craig Peterson, and Tech-Talk. Copying or transferring portions of the podcast's interview for personal or public use is not recommended, or encouraged -- PK sends...]

On 13 July 2006 -- Integral's CEO, Bill Robinson, in a conversation with Craig Peterson on his popular forward looking show called "Tech-Talk," discussed Prospects and Potentials surrounding the IP known as: ElectriPlast . . .

Craig Peterson interviewed Integral Technologies CEO, Bill Robinson about the new product called ElectriPlast. For those who are not yet aware -- ElectriPlast is an extremely Electrically Conductive Resin-based material that is Molded from Integral’s Proprietary Recipe, facilitated by Integral’s IP. The conductivity in question can meet or exceed that of metal contemporaries.

This polymer material can use a wide variety of base resins globally available from major suppliers that can capitalize on full range of resin technologies to meet demands of different applications.

During the molding process, the resin(s) are homogenized with Integral’s proprietary formulation of conductive materials.

Proprietary formulation provides structural integrity to polymer matrix.

Rated the #1 radio show in the Boston Market, Tech Talk With Craig Peterson helps you learn the secrets of everyday technology that you need to know. Craig interviews top industry insiders and explains tech in ways everyone understands.

To get to the podcast link, click the picture above.

July 15, 2006

ElectriPlast: The Secret Sauce . . .

Protecting the

ElectriPlast IP

while Pushing


Permission Granted By The Pondering Primate

Special to the ElectriPlast Blog


The Plastics Show in Chicago has opened up some very big doors for Integral Technologies (OTC BB: ITKG). Some of the largest manufacturers and molders got a chance to see the disruptive nature of ITKG's ElectriPlast.

Since the show, Integral has been approached by one of the largest consumer goods companies, a major defense contractor and one of the world's largest telecom providers.

A question frequently asked after chief technologist Tom Aisenbrey demonstrated the product's potential was, "You guys are public?" It appears this little disruptive technology is getting the attention of the big boys.

The company's goal is focusing on "pounds, not pieces" for ElectriPlast. While the widgets are nice, the growth lies in delivering pounds of ElectriPlast for products.

Still, the biggest obstacle for ITKG is manufacturing. It's very difficult to get invited to the big boys' table unless you have the goods in hand.

It is understood that a high-volume manufacturing company is very interested in being Integral's manufacturer, so much so that it has started buying the necessary equipment to handle volume orders.

And the relationship with DuPont continues to blossom.

But keep in mind, ITKG is still an intellectual property (IP) and licensing company that is in the process of transferring and transforming this IP into physical products.

The company's management team is very protective of their IP when entering into a manufacturing agreement. And protecting the "secret sauce" sometimes takes a little more attorney time.

Keep in mind the forward progress made so far, and don't mind the wait knowing that the upside potential in revenues and earnings is so huge.

Market sense would recommend buying ITKG on weakness. Also note that some solid sources are raising the Buy Up To price to $2.50.

July 10, 2006

ElectriPlast: How to Spot a Runaway Train!




By Vince S.
ElectriPlast Blog Editor

Is Integral a Rule Breaker?

Let me Count the Ways.

Recently, a well known Internet investment guru discussed his strategy for acquiring the highest possible return on his money. Critical to his return on investment theory are “six rules” he applies to equities to determine if they will mirror the “runaway train” effect of a Microsoft, Cisco, Google, Starbucks, Best Buy, Qualcomm, Whole Foods or other phenomenally successful companies. He calls these companies “Rule Breakers” because they defy conventional investment wisdom.

So what are these “six rules”? Will they work in Integral’s case? If so, and you are a shareholder, hang on to them. You have not only spotted a “runaway train,” you are among the few lucky passengers in first class!

Rule number one: A “rule breaker” company must be a “top dog” or a “first mover” in an emerging industry.

The innovative companies listed above invented new technologies or methodologies to become “first movers” in sectors in which they later became “top dogs,” the big kids on the block who drove their emerging industries. In some cases they created markets where none existed before giving them tremendous advantages and extraordinary success. Now let’s segue to Integral Technologies.

We invented ElectriPlast, the world’s only electrically conductive resin-based material that can be molded into any shape or dimension associated with plastics, rubbers and other polymers. While there are many “top dogs” in the materials sector (GE, Dow and DuPont are a few), we have the only electrically conductive resin-based material that works! In fact, some powerhouses who initially talked to Integral, doubted us, then tried to replicate our IP are now talking to us again. Nearly 50 companies have entered into the product research and development stage using ElectriPlast. With so many R&D efforts underway, it is a certainty that many ElectriPlast branded products will reach the marketplace in the near future. The conductive market is an emerging industry, thanks to Integral, and we will be the “first and only mover” for some time to come. The others have to come to us.

Rule number two: Sustainable advantage gained through business momentum, patent protection, visionary leadership, or inept competitors.

There is no resin-based material on the planet that can compete with ElectriPlast. End of story! With over 100 patents granted or in process, there is no question about our ability to maintain a “sustainable advantage.” In the first place, our patents are good for 18 years. (Just think of the edge the Wright Brothers would have had if the competition hadn’t been allowed to roll out an “airplane” until 1921!) Moreover, in terms of “sustainable advantage,” each patent might have up to 1,500 uses, according to Tom Aisenbrey. Stay tuned, folks!

Patent protection, technology licensing requirements and a host of legal services are provided by Preston Gates Ellis. Integral’s intellectual property protection, which covers omni-directions, can best be described as “the drawbridge, moat, ramparts, dungeons and towers” that provide 360 degree protection for our ElectriPlast IP.

Rule number three: Strong past price appreciation.

Since incorporation on 12 February 1996, Integral has been registered as a developmental phase company. Absent a revenue stream, the price for this equity has been on a roller coaster that would make a Six Flags 'coaster' engineer proud. Indeed, many would love to see the price go north of the 31 March 2000 spike when it hit $8.25 a share. Based on the “rule breaker” theory, it will! Once a revenue stream develops, a time will come when that “stream” will become a torrential “river.” At that point, a backwards glance will clearly reveal the “strong past price appreciation” alluded to in rule number three.

Rule number four: Good management and smart backing.

Management has been strong, committed and strategically focused since the initial public offering. It recognized the lack of potential and moved away from a non-starter (CTHA) technology; successfully defended against frivolous legal action by a former partner; hired the individual who invented Plastenna and ElectriPlast; funded ongoing operations by providing personal loans to the company; and generated other funding mechanisms to enable the company to move forward. Finally, management initiated strategic marketing, management and intellectual property initiatives to guide the company to the successful introduction of our ElectriPlast IP to the consumer electronics sector.

Concurrently, Integral initiated strategic alliances with some of the best and brightest legal, investment and management strategists in the business, specifically, Wells Fargo, Preston Gates Ellis, Wellington Management, and QuanStar Group. By working through QuanStar, Integral can tap into their affiliate GlobalOptions and its Senior Advisory Board to leverage connections with Uncle Sam and Fortune 100 executives.

The GlobalOptions Senior Advisory Board consists of a former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; a former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency; a retired US Ambassador; a former Speaker Designate for the US House of Representatives; a former Minister of Trade for Great Britain; a former Director of the FBI; a former Director of the FBI and CIA; and a former Secretary of Transportation. This is called influencing the marketplace through the use of massive intellectual firepower.

What else is there to say about good management and extraordinarily smart backing?

Rule number five: Strong consumer appeal.

ElectriPlast products have potential for widespread consumer appeal because our IP will target consumer electronics (cell phones, PDAs, computers, GPS devices, etc.) as well as the automotive, aerospace, communications, electronics, military and medical device sectors. Those disruptive products will become so ubiquitous that the term “ElectriPlast” will enter the American lexicon much like the word “Google.”

Rule number six: You must find documented proof that it is overvalued according to the financial media.

Right! If you are an established company with a revenue stream, not a developmental stage company like Integral, this rule applies. Clearly, that famous Internet investment guru could not have applied this rule to the above companies until such time as their share price had become overvalued. Had he, he would have missed out on gargantuan profits.

Even so, there are legions of shareholders who look to the day when rule number six becomes a truism. According to some prognosticators, one hundred smackers for a share of Integral Technologies, considering the enduring potential of our patents, might be an under valuation of this stock.

You decide.

Is Integral a potential "runaway train" or not? Does this equity have the capacity to attain breathtaking speed as it hurtles down the tracks, defying the skills of a legendary "Casey Jones" to arrest her forward progress as she batters through one share price barrier, $10, $20, $40, after another?

In the fullness of time, these questions will be answered. For the time being, however, it would appear that Integral Technologies has the facility to become a “rule breaker” and join the pantheon of “runaway trains.”

Yes, you, too, can be a runaway train spotter!

July 02, 2006

ElectriPlast: A Heatron Follow-up . . .

Plastics Get

The Juice

By Joseph Ogando --
Design News Correspondent, June 26, 2006

More conductivity means more applications for conductive plastics

For a glimpse of how to use electrically and thermally conductive plastics, look no further than Integral Technologies' growing patent portfolio for its ElectriPlast materials.

The company, Integral Technologies, (http://itkg.net) has developed technology for producing highly conductive plastic compounds that duplicate the electrical and thermal conductivity of even the most conductive metals. "We have the ability to mimic the electrical conductivity of silver and copper," says Tom Aisenbrey, Integral's vice president of product development and chief technology officer. The same goes for thermal conductivity, he adds.

Since introducing ElectriPlast materials nearly three years ago, the company's technologists have devised a long list of potential uses for plastics that can be injection molded, carry current and manage heat. The company has already been awarded 12 patents for potential ElectriPlast applications, including several for molded thermoplastic plastic antenna designs. It has another 88 patents pending for a wide range of other applications. These include a wide variety of injection molded electrical components — such as circuits, capacitors, RFID tags, 3D EMI shields, and more (go to http://www.itkg.net/index.php?page=194 for a complete list).

And in April, the company licensed ElectriPlast to Heatron Inc. (http://www.heatron.com/), a maker of thermal management and high-power LED components.

Integral produces its conductive materials by incorporating micron- and nano-sized conductive powders and fibers into a wide variety of base resins. "The technology works with any base resin, about 15,000 of them in all," Aisenbrey says. The company has dozens of recipes for its conductive materials and can tailor the electrical or thermal properties to a given application. Typically, the resistivity spans a range from graphite (about 7.5 × 10-6 ohm cm) to copper (1.7 × 10-8 ohm cm), and thermal conductivity tops out at about 400 w/mK, Aisenbrey says.

What he won't say is exactly how the company achieves such high levels of conductivity, other than to say the proprietary technology involves modifications to the conductive additives themselves, as well as careful compounding methods. Together these two strategies promote a homogenous dispersion of the conductive materials within the base resin. A homogeneous dispersion, in turn, allows Integral to achieve high conductivity at filler loadings low enough not to minimize any loss of the base plastic's mechanical properties, according to Aisenbrey. "That's the beauty of the technology," Aisenbrey says.

ElectriPlast: Updated NPE Report

Plastics Regain

Sex Appeal

By Scott S.

Special to the ElectriPlast Blog

Integral Technologies very recently executed seven more non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) -- a few with major players -- in the plastics and materials industry.

These potential partners obviously believe ElectriPlast will become a premier material for next-gen antenna. And seeing ITKG Chief Technologist Tom Aisenberry's presentation at the National Plastics Exposition (NPE), it is not difficult to believe it.

ElectriPlast can quite simply mimic any metal on the planet.

Just think of the implications! There is a huge problem with shortages of copper for wiring (70% of copper goes to wiring). And given the trillions of dollars of infrastructure going into China, India and other developing countries, cost is a major financial issue.

Here is what Aisenberry says about ElectriPlast and copper: "Copper is a chemical conductor, and we use these same chemicals in our version of copper equivalent ElectriPlast, thus we reach the same results as electrons traveling on the surface of conductors and have the same open valance bands needed for this to be highly conductive -- they are also, on an average, 80% lighter than typical copper conductors."

Remember that each pellet of ElectriPlast contains all of the ingredients needed to make plastic mimic any metal, and it can be made into any shape that is moldable.

Integral Technologies holds 11 patents issued as of today, five more to be issued shortly, and there are another 93 applications being reviewed.

Heatron Inc. (specialists in heating element and thermal management designs) has just started using Integral's ElectriPlast and again we think it is only a matter of weeks until we see some tier-one plastics and polymer players turn NDAs into licenses.

Here's a hint: Dow Chemical (DOW) underwrote Tom's session at the NPE conference. Just think about some of the products made by DuPont -- Lycra, nylon, Teflon -- that have sold billions of dollars worth of product.

With 15,000 different recipes for combining ElectriPlast, we just can't express the opportunity we believe we hold in these shares.

All we can recommend is that you should continue to accumulate on any weakness in the share price.

July 01, 2006

ElectriPlast: NPE 2006 - PLASTIC NEWS - Follow Up







By Roger Renstrom
PLASTICS NEWS Correspondent,
21 June 2006

[ElectriPlast Blog "EB" Publisher's Note: Apologies to those following this blog for insight and information. I have been on the road for the past week and a half, and though I had access to email, I lacked the resources to publish the added information flow surrounding this company and its focused forward progress. Within that information flow, a number of issues have surfaced and will be reported on shortly.

In the meantime the article above is included at this time to add a conclusion to the 18 June 2006 NPE Showcase article. PK sends...]

Chicago – Integral Technologies Inc. believes its highly conductive ElectriPlast will become the premier material for next-generation wireless antennas, according to a presentation by Thomas Aisenbrey at NPE 2006.

“Each pellet contains the ingredients needed for a finished product” and is moldable to any shape, according to Aisenbrey, chief technology officer and general manager of Integral Technologies in Bellingham, Wash.

NPE is the “first time for many people in the plastics industry to look at and touch [ElectriPlast] prototypes,” he said. Aisenbrey gave Plastics News an advanced copy of the presentation.

The U.S. Patent Office has issued 11 ElectriPlast patents, has allowed five others yet to be issued and is reviewing 93 applications.

Versions of homogenously blended ElectriPlast contain micron-conducting doping elements, any of more than 15,000 base resins, time-released features and dispersion additives.

Integral was incorporated in 1996 and, as a development-stage company, focuses on the ElectriPlast technology including its new PlasTenna antenna formulas.

PlasTenna “acts as a highly conductive radio-frequency sponge – absorbing, transmitting and allowing electrical energy waves to excite electrons into meaningful currents with maximum efficiency, he said.

During the show, Aisenbrey demonstrated the technology by directing a remote car with the antenna embedded in a roll bar instead of a whip, and walkie-talkies minus the traditional unwieldy rubber duck antennas.

Other prototypes included a light-emitting-diode sign with ElectriPlast circuitry, a radio enclosure for an in-dash automotive application, connector bodies, acoustic-dampened headsets and numerous electronic products and devices. Integral showed the LED sign initially during Lightfair 2006 in Las Vegas, May 30-June 1.

ElectriPlast is useful in manufacturing cable and wire. “For most products, the average weight is 40 percent less than aluminum, and 80 percent less than copper,” Aisenbrey said. ElectriPlast “can mimic electrically any metal on the planet.”

Brainstorming a ground plan solution led to the invention of ElectriPlast in 2001.

“Tens of thousands of micron conductors are acting in parallel with one another in a controlled uniform matrix structure,” he said. The resulting highly conductive polymer contains and allows movable charges of electricity and “maximizes the polymer’s ability to spread a unique omni-directional charge.”

He said most ElectriPlast formulations have a specific gravity ratio of 1.64 with some formulas as low as 1.2. Those compare with copper’s ratio at 8.95 and aluminum’s at 2.71.

ElectriPlast’s thermal conductivity far exceeds that of conventional or other conductive plastics.

Integral views technology licensing as its initial revenue source and the company intends to rely on third parties for manufacturing. In March, the firm reached a patent license agreement with Heatron Inc. of Leavenworth, Kan., for applications in the heating and LED markets.

Integral is pursuing agreements to supply ElectriPlast to wireless device manufactures and many others.

Popular Science magazine included ElectriPlast in its “Best of What’s New” list for 2004.

Investment firm Wellington Management Co. LLP of Boston raised about $5.7 million in gross proceeds from a 2004 private placement of Integral common stock and warrants and, as of February 12, controlled 16 percent of Integral’s common stock.

Integral Technologies trades as an over-the-counter bulletin board stock. The company has not generated any significant sales and views 2006 as its go-to-market year.

Among officers and directors, principal owners are William Robinson, Integral’s chairman and chief executive officer, and William Ince, chief finance officer.

Dow Chemical Co. underwrote the NPE Flexible Film and Packaging conference session that Aisenbrey addressed on June 19.